Page 136 of Golden Atonement

This fucker wasn’t happy unless he was yelling at someone. Good thing for him he knew not to yell at Delany because I would have fucking slit his throat right then and there.

Still, it was funny to watch the woman hand him his balls.

Nice to know she had a spine made of gold, because she was going to need it in the coming months.

Taking a seat in his posh boardroom, I said, “So. Here you have a woman with no idea where she came from.”

Malice stepped forward and growled.

Narrowing his eyes, Montana asked, “Where the fuck did you hear that?”

“Around,” I muttered, looking at my phone. “Say the word and I’ll get Sypher on it. Kid will find out where she came from by the end of the week.”

“No,” Malice sneered.

“We have it handled,” the uncooperative man said, sitting back in his chair as if he had everything under control. Could have told him that shit was going to hit the fan, but I figured why spoil the surprise for him.

“Now, about Graves.”

“What about him?” I asked, bored already.

“Aren’t you curious about what he has on you?”

“Nope.” I smiled, looking at him. “Unlike you, I don’t give a fuck.”

“What does that mean?”

“It means I don’t have skeletons walking out of the closet faster than I can shut the door. If you’re not careful, Montana, the sins of your father are going to bite you in the ass.”

“What the hell are you talking about?”

“I’m talking about your pops and his association with theSociety. The very entity we worked to bring down. Then there is the matter of his alliance with a man named Devlin Scott.”

“Excuse me?” Mercy asked, sitting up as he looked at Malice, who hadn’t moved from his spot. “Gonna need you to explain that, Reaper, and fast.”

“I thought you knew.” I frowned, sitting up and placing my hands on the table. “George Stone was a silent partner in the Trick Pony. In fact, he was the one who told Devlin Scott to sell his daughter, Ivy, to Toxic, a former member of my club.”

Malice growled, storming out of the boardroom.

“Shit,” Montana cursed, hanging his head.

“I’ll go after him,” Torment offered, getting up and following.

As soon as Torment left the room, I added, “Been where you are now, Montana. It’s not easy holding everything together when you don’t know what’s coming.”

“But you do?” he asked. “You know what’s coming?”

“Some, but not all,” I admitted.

“What’s it gonna cost me?”

When I stayed silent, Vicious leaned forward, shook his head and sighed. “Me. He wants me.”

“It’s time to come home, brother,” I clearly spoke when Fury and Storm looked at Vicious before slowly sliding their chairs away from him. Until I got Montana on the same page as me, no one was safe, and I would burn in hell before I let another one of my brothers get caught in the crossfire.

“My life is here now, Reaper. Linsey is happy. The girls are in school. I can’t just up and leave.”

“Never said you had to,” I whispered, looking at my brother. Vicious may wear the brand of a Soulless Sinner now, but at his core, he was still Golden and would be until the day he died.