Page 135 of Golden Atonement

Looking at the bar, I rolled my eyes as all four men sat there saying nothing.

“Just saying.”

“You’re right, Silver.” Giovanni grinned and turned to Montana. “Montana, you’re being a dick.”

“Hear, hear!” Maxim smirked, raising his glass.

“I think what Reaper asked is reasonable,” Giovanni added.

“I said no,” Montana snarled, downing his drink in one gulp before sliding it toward the bartender for another. Pouring him another, he added, “I’m not letting that psychopath go anywhere near my brother.”

“He just wants to meet him,” Gio groaned. “That’s all.”

“Yeah.” Max grinned, antagonizing the asshat. “I just want to meet him.”

Montana slowly turned toward Max and sneered, “Fuck off.”

“Then give me Graves.”

“Hell no!” Montana shouted when Sandman happily walked out of the kitchen, drinking from a juice box, while Linsey smiled up at him, talking a mile a minute.

“What the fuck is he doing here!” Montana jumped to his feet, pointing at Sandman.

Leaning against the bar, Max grinned, enjoying Montana’s misery.

“Well, he is the blood relative, dickhead. He has a right to be here.”

Delany chose at that moment to stand, getting everyone’s attention. “Enough,” the sweet, shy, reserved woman said, stepping forward as she looked at Max.

Mercy and Fury moved to stand right behind her.

“I am Delany Calloway. Storm is my husband. I know why you are here and I won’t let you hurt him. I never asked for any of this. I don’t care about club rules, princesses, legacies, or whatever this is. All I care about is my family. I just want to live my life in peace and raise my children. Now, I am more than happy to get to know all of you, but not at the expense of my husband.”

“You tell them, Delany!” I chuckled.

“Shut it, woman,” Max growled, then quickly shut his mouth when I glared at him. Turning to my father, I smiled. “Dad. Next time Reaper opens his mouth, please shut it.”

My father smiled happily, stepping forward.

Montana chuckled.

“I would shut up too.” Tessa glared at her husband.

“What I think all of you are failing to understand is, I never asked for this life. As someone who grew up an only child, then lost her parents, being alone is not something I would wish on anyone. It’s a lonely existence without family and friends. The Soulless Sinners may not be what you want for me, Mr.Doherty, but they are what I want. Even Montana and his snarky attitude.”

“Thanks, Del.”

Delany sneered, “I wasn’t done talking, Mr. Stone.”

Montana shut up and sat back down.

“I don’t know what caused this riff between both clubs, but it has nothing to do with me. I don’t care and I don’t want to know. So whatever cockamamie scheme both of you have planned, forget about it. I am not a bargaining chip and never will be.”

“What my cuz said.” Sandman smiled happily as he walked over to Delany, wrapping her in a big hug.

Chapter Nineteen
