“Gonna give you one chance, Montana. Did you know?”
“Know what?”
Shaking my head, I growled, “Don’t play fucking dumb with me.”
“Then make fucking sense!”
Taking a really good look at the man, it didn’t take me long to realize he had absolutely no fucking idea what I was talking about. In fact, I would even bet the motherfucker was oblivious to the entire truth. Maybe that was a blessing or his fucking curse, but I refused to condemn a man if he was innocent.
Stupidity wasn’t a reason for murder in my book.
Shaking my head, I sighed. “How can you sit at the table and be so fucking blind?”
“I don’t know what fucking bug crawled up your ass, but I don’t owe you anything. I fulfilled my marker. We’re done.”
“Think that if you like, shithead, but I’m just getting started.”
“What the fuck are you talking about?”
“For starters.” I grinned, bored with this conversation, I palmed my gun. “I still owe you for what you put my wife through.”
“I saved your wife!”
Not thinking, I aimed my gun and shot the motherfucker in the leg. The little bitch dropped to the fucking ground, grabbed his leg and whined like the cunt he was.
However, before any of his men could get off a shot, they all found themselves with guns pointed at their heads.
Smiling, I kneeled down and whispered, “That was for causing my wife a fucking year of pain and grief, asshole. As for what happens next, it is up to you. Think before you act, Montana, because the truth is mightier than the sword.”
“You fucking shot me!”
“It’s a little scratch.”
“I’m going to get you back for this.”
“Sure you will.” I chuckled, standing back up and walking out of the warehouse. His shouts and threats were music to my ears. Fucker may run the biggest motorcycle club in the world, but he was about to learn the truth regarding how his father amassedhis legacy. I just prayed that when Montana learned the truth, he did the right thing, because if not, I would make damn sure he paid for his father’s sins.
My blood was humming.
Blood, death, and retribution always made me feel giddy. Even better when it was a fucker who got what he deserved. Not that I was done with Montana, not by a long shot. Oh, I still had plenty of plans for that asshat. I was going to make his life a living fucking hell if it was the last thing I did on this earth, but right now, all I wanted was to sink my dick into my wife.
Cutting the engine of my bike, I hopped off while Specs and Jason rushed over.
“Prospect, get my bike over to the garage.”
“Jesus, Prez,” the kid gasped. “What happened to your bike?”
“Story time later,” I said, looking at Jason. “Where is my wife?”
“Inside. The ol’ ladies heard you all pull in.”
Smiling, I nodded as Ink and Player both ran inside.
Getting ready to follow them, Bullseye stepped in front of me.
“We need to talk.”