Page 58 of Perfect Stalker

I’m at his side in an instant, studying the map on his screen. “Show me.”

He points to each location, explaining their significance. A busy warehouse owned by a shell company he’s tracked back to Alexei. There’s a high-rise apartment building, and a secluded estate on the outskirts of the city, both also owned by the same shell corporation.

“Good work,” I say. “Prepare teams for simultaneous raids on all three locations. I want them ready to move in an hour.”

As my men continue their preparations, I step away for a moment, staring out the window at the city below. Somewhere out there, Jenny is waiting. Scared, alone, and in the hands of my enemies.

The doctor approaches cautiously. “Mr. Markov, please. At least let me examine you quickly. It’s been hours.”

I turn, ready to refuse again, but the determination in Dr. Olsen’s expression gives me pause. I nod curtly, allowing him to lead me to a nearby room. As he checks my injuries, I continue issuing orders via my phone. Nothing will slow me down. Not pain, not fatigue, and not the gnawing fear in my gut.

“Two cracked ribs,” says the doctor. “You need rest and?—”

“Not an option,” I cut him off, standing. “Do what you can to keep me on my feet.”

He sighs but complies, wrapping my ribs tightly and administering a painkiller. It’s not much, but it’ll have to do. “Take this wrap off as soon as you’re able to rest,” he says firmly. “I don’t want you getting pneumonia. This is just to keep them from breaking during activity—and try not to crack any more tonight.”

I nod before returning to the main room, where Marcus is coordinating the raid teams. “Status report?”

“Teams are almost ready,” he says. “We’ll be able to hit all three locations simultaneously in thirty minutes.”

I nod, satisfaction mingling with impatience. “Good. I’ll lead the team hitting the warehouse. You take the apartment building, and we’ll have Niko take the secluded estate.”

Marcus hesitates. “Ivan, are you sure you should be in the field? Your injuries?—”

“Are irrelevant. I’m going. End of discussion.”

He knows better than to argue further. We make final preparations, and I check my weapons, the familiar weight of my gun offering cold comfort.

Hold on, Jenny.



The SUV screeches to a halt in front of a warehouse, which looks to be well-kept and bustling. It’s hardly what I would have imagined for a hostage scenario. My heart pounds as Stephen yanks me from the vehicle, digging his fingers painfully into my arm while he shoves me through a side door into the cavernous space.

“You stupid bitch,” he says when we’re inside, and his face is contorted with rage. “Did you really think you could just walk away from me?”

I stumble, my heels catching on the uneven concrete floor. Shadows dance across stacks of crates and abandoned machinery, creating a maze of potential hiding spots. I look around, desperately seeking an escape route. “Stephen, please,” I say, trying to keep my voice steady. “You don’t have to do this. Let me go, and we can forget this ever happened.”

He laughs, a harsh, grating sound that reverberates off the metal walls. “Forget? Oh, no, Jenny. I’ve spent a year planningthis moment while I was sitting through those stupid anger management classes and then banished to London. You were on my mind every second. I don’t know if I love your or hate you more. You’re going to pay for every second you made me wait.”

His grip tightens, and I wince at the bruising pressure. He drags me deeper into the warehouse, ranting about my betrayal, his words becoming increasingly unhinged.

“Alexei has big plans for you. You’re the perfect bait to lure that bastard Ivan out of hiding, and when he comes for you...” A cruel smile twists his lips. “It won’t be the happy reunion you’re hoping for, because you’re mine.”

Fear coils in my stomach, threatening to overwhelm me. When Ivan said, “Mine,” even in the beginning, I was never terrified like this. Hearing it from Stephen is chilling. I think of the baby growing inside me, of Ivan, and of the life we could have had. I can’t let it end like this.

He yanks me to a stop, digging his fingers into my jaw as he forces me to look at him. “You’re going to regret ever thinking you could leave me.” His breath is hot on my face. He seems poised to kiss me.

Something inside me snaps. I remember Ivan’s lessons, his voice calm and steady in my ear as he taught me how to defend myself the dishonorable way, bless him.Use their strength against them,he’d said.Wait for the right moment, then strike hard and fast. Don’t be afraid to break the so-called rules of engagement. You want to win by any means necessary.

I meet Stephen’s gaze, summoning every ounce of defiance I possess. “You’re right about one thing,” I say quietly. “I do regret something.”

Confusion flickers across his face. “What?”

“I regret not doing this sooner.” I drive my knee up with all the force I can muster, aiming for his balls. Stephen howls in agony, doubling over and releasing his grip on me. I stumble backward, grinning savagely while I watch him struggle to regain his composure.