As she turns to leave, I call out, “Jenny?”
She pauses, looking back at me expectantly.
“Be careful,” I say softly.
She flashes me a smile, though she seems nervous. I’ve noticed that the last couple of days. There’s clearly something on her mind, but I’m trying to be patient and let her bring it to me.
“I will,” she says. The door closes behind her a second later, and I’m left alone with my thoughts. I trust Andre and Daniil with my life—and more importantly, with Jenny’s. Still, a nagging worry gnaws at me.
Hours pass as I immerse myself in work, trying to distract myself from thoughts of Jenny. Suddenly, Marcus bursts into my office, his face ashen.
“Boss,” he says, his voice tight. “We have a situation.”
I’m on my feet instantly. “What is it?”
Marcus swallows hard. “It’s Alexei. He’s taken one of our men.”
My blood runs cold. “Who?”
“Dmitri. He was dropping off contracts at one of our warehouses when Alexei’s men grabbed him.”
I clench my fists, rage boiling inside me. “And?”
Marcus hesitates. “They...they tortured him, boss. Sent us a video.”
I close my eyes, willing myself to remain calm. “Is he alive?”
“Barely,” he says. “We got him back, but it’s bad. Dr. Olsen isn’t sure if he’ll make it.”
I nod, trying to keep from revealing my rage. This is a message, a brutal escalation of the already tense situation between Alexei and me, and a response to our actions last month, after he invaded “Markov Entertainment.” Marcus and a team hit three of his nightclubs, torching them to the ground. Apparently, the message to back off has faded from his mind.
Before I can formulate a response, my phone rings. I glance at the screen. Unknown number. With a sinking feeling in my gut, I answer. “Markov,” I say, my voice cold.
“Hello, old friend.” Alexei’s smooth voice comes through the line. “Did you enjoy my little gift?”
I grip the phone tighter, biting back the urge to curse at him. “You’ve made a grave mistake, Alexei.”
He laughs, the sound grating on my nerves. “Have I? I think not. This is just the beginning, Ivan. You should have stayed out of my territory.”
“Your territory?” I snarl. “Atlanta was never yours.”
“Times change,” he says casually. “You should know that better than anyone. After all, wasn’t it you who taught me that lesson back at ‘St. Sergius?’”
The mention of our shared past makes me grimace. “That was a long time ago, Alexei. We were different people then. I thought you were a good person in those days.
“Were we?” he muses. “Ah, yes. You seemed so…loyalback then.” Bitterness laces his tone before it shifts back to the smooth, carefree tone he’s affected. “I seem to remember youbeing quite the protector. Always looking out for the younger boys, weren’t you? Tell me, Ivan, who’s protecting you now?”
I grit my teeth. “I don’t need protection. You’re the one who should be worried. Underestimating me is a severe blunder.”
Alexei chuckles. “Oh, I’m not underestimating you, old friend. I know exactly what you’re capable of. That’s why I’m here.”
“You should have stayed in Russia.”
“And miss all the fun?” Alexei’s voice drips with sarcasm. “Besides, I don’t need a protector these days. I’ve grown up, Ivan. I’m not that scared little boy anymore.”
I close my eyelids as memories of our shared past flood my mind. The cold nights at the orphanage, the fights, and the bond we once shared. It all seems so distant now. Opening my eyes, I ask, “What do you want, Alexei?” My patience is wearing thin.
There’s a pause on the other end of the line. When he speaks again, his voice is lower and more menacing. “I want what’s mine, Ivan. Everything you’ve built here? It belongs to me now.”