He nods knowingly, then turns to the other two shifters. Although my mind is racing from the chant and the near-disaster, I know I need to check on Max and Port.
When my gaze lands on them, my agitation melts away into concern. They’re both soaked up to the chest, and their arms are covered in deep scratches. Under my gaze, Port smiles sadly at me, and Max turns away, embarrassed.
“Oh, my gods,” I exhale quietly. I walk over, stepping through the wet mud to reach them.
Cory follows close beside me, heading for Max. He goes to him and holds a hand out for Max’s arm; Max scowls, but lets Cory inspect his wounds. My heart breaks as he winces atthe contact, and I make a mental note to get both Port and him healing poultices once we’re home.
Port steps up to meet me, then, and I turn to face him. His face is slightly scratched, too, small red marks running down his jaw and cheeks. I lift a hand and gingerly move to hold his face. Port bites back a wince at my touch, and I start to pull my hand away. He grabs my arm, though, and presses my hand back to his cheek.
“Don’t go yet,” he pleads. I nod softly, trying to disguise the worry I’m sure is written all over my face.
I sigh and whisper, “Are you okay?”
At my question, Port’s eyes harden and he nods with rehearsed confidence. I know he must be shaken up; however brave a warrior he is, there’s no opponent like the raw elements of the Realm, especially water. He knows that very well as a water dragon. Still, I smile and try to believe him.
“Mili,” Cory says. I turn to him, and he continues, “I’m going to check Port now.”
I nod, trying to relax as I pry myself away from the injured Port. Cory takes my place in front of him and starts inspecting his wounds, and I step back to give them space.
When I turn to go to Max, I see him scuffing the ground with his waterlogged boots, firmly avoiding my gaze. For some reason, this small detail brings a genuine smile to my face. I roll my eyes, grinning, and walk over to him.
I gently bump into him with my shoulder, and he glares down at me. Something in his eyes looks hurt, though, and I decide to try to cheer him up. Besides, it’s better to havesomeone else to help rather than just sitting in my own irritation, isn’t it?
“You know, you’re as charming as ever,” I say cheerfully. Max scoffs, but I continue, struck with a realization. “Do you know what I realized after my talk with Aurora?”
That grabs his attention, and he arches an eyebrow as he frowns down at me. “I’m not sure Iwantto know.”
“Funny,” I grin. “She said some critical things about the three of you, and it really angered me. I defended you all, of course. I told her you’re my real-life heroes. I didn’t realize how true it really was for a little while after, though.”
“I’m nobody’s hero,” Max growls.
I snap at him, “You just saved Ethelinda from a massive flood. Is that not enough for you to feel like a good person, to see yourself how I see you?”
Max’s jaw clenches, but I don’t budge; I stare into his eyes, as intensely as I can, until he finally cracks a small smile. “Gods, you’re intimidating when you want to be,” he grumbles warmly.
“I know,” I sigh, grinning back.
We stand together for a second, staring through the fields of crops leading back to town. After a second, I feel his large knuckles brush my hand, and I immediately lace my fingers through his.
“Someday,” I murmur, “You’ll believe in how good you are, the way we all do.”
Then he lifts my knuckles to his mouth and lays a soft kiss there.
Idon’t know what Mili said to Max after we repaired the dam, but he’s been awfully chipper the past day or so. Mili and Cory have been sharing the bed, and Max and I have taken the couch (a cramped fit, but I don’t mind much).
Once we heard Mili and Cory start their intimacy last night, Max lunged for me, more ravenous than I’ve ever seen him. He genuinely pinned me by the arms for a moment, feasting on my lips, leaving me completely helpless to him. It turned me on more than anything.
Of course, I took control back after a minute of that, and showed him what happens to dragons who think they can get the better of me. Normally Mili’s the loud one in the house, but Max might have taken over that role last night.
I wondered afterwards, as I held him close to me and felt him fall asleep, whether he’s been intimate with Milica yet. There’s been no indication of any physicality between them since I caught them kissing, but I see the way he looks at her. Max is happy to give in to my demands of him, but I can tell he wants to ravage her.
The thought overwhelms me sometimes, the idea of being with the two of them together. Max and I could take turns with the faery, and Mili could watch me have my way with him.
If Cory were with us, I think the dynamic would be even stronger; his Alpha presence would restrain Max and me both. The need to control ourselves around his commanding presence sounds as enticing as it would be challenging.
“I’m not going easy on you today, you know,” Max grins wickedly at me.