While he was off balance, I kicked him between his legs, and he howled, bending over to protect his jewels, crumpling to one knee.
My blood hummed and sizzled as I danced out of one heel, picked it up, and used it to hit him in the head.
His weak attempts to block me only fueled my frenzy.
He fell with a heavy thud to the ground. I stopped, breathing heavily.
Nicco was still.
Terrified he was dead, I knelt beside him and felt for a pulse.
A strong throb met my fingertips.
The relief that coursed through me vanished when Nicco clutched my neck and squeezed.
‘You bitch -.’
Panic bubbled up, but I fought it, trying to find a way out.
With a mighty thump, his entire body canted sideways as a force slammed hard into him, and he fell to the floor.
In his place was a second shadow.
Looming like a dark nemesis swallowing up the light in my gallery.
His eyes were cold, sharp, enraged.
He glared with deep disgust at the man scrambling away from him like a rat in a sewer.
I slid on the ground until my spine hit the wall, hand on my throbbing neck, gasping for air.
Rio leaned in over the Barbieri scion, head tilted, his tone even more menacing. ‘Bastardo! If you ever attempt to put your fuckin’ paws on my woman, I’ll tear each digit off with a pair of pliers. Cut them up, shove them down your throat, and sit back while you choke on them. Is that clear?’
My man’s face was hard, his growl dangerous, like a storm gathering on the horizon.
Nicco’s shocked eyes locked on Rio, but he reached somewhere inside his dark soul and found a measure of defiance.
He gave Rio a scornful glare, his lip curling in a mocking smirk. ‘Well, well, what do we have here?’ he drawled, his voice dripping with disdain. ‘Who’s this, Chiara? Your bodyguard? Or some pretty boy playing hero?’
Rio didn’t flinch, didn’t even blink.
He stepped forward and, without warning, unleashed a roundhouse kick at the half-risen man.
It sent Nicco flat to the ground.
The men let out a roar as agony went through him from the bone-crunching hit to his ribs.
Rio switched stance fast and stood over Nicco. He placed one of his Dior Derby black patent calfskin loafers on Nicco’s chest, his thick thighs powering his press down on the screaming man.
I swear I heard a rib crack.
Nicco howled even louder.
‘Quiet now, don’t want to rouse the neighbors,’ Rio growled.
Nicco took a few gulps of oxygen, flinching and groaning through the pain each time.