Page 112 of King Of Order

He handed it to me with shaking hands.

I leaned in further, my rasp dropping to a near whisper. ‘Don’t even think about calling ahead.’

‘I won’t tell a -,’

I didn’t wait to hear the rest. I strode past, the resort’s opulence lost on me as I made my way through hallways lined with art and soft lighting.

Everything in this place was designed to soothe, to create an illusion of paradise.

The calm before the storm.

When I reached his door, I paused, listening.

The familiar sound of a TV echoed from inside.

He was relaxed-good.

I tried the handle, but it didn’t give - locked.

Nicco didn’t expect anyone to come for him here, not in this cocoon of wealth and grandeur.

Using the keycard, I opened the door and stepped in.

The man sprawled on the couch, controller in hand, his eyes glued to the screen. He didn’t even look up until I was halfway across the room.

When he finally caught onto me, he shot out of his chair, his bandaged face drained of all color.

The device in his hand fell, clattering to the floor like an afterthought.

I raked my eyes over his left hand in a sling and smirked.

His cut-up visage, puffy eyes, and scratched skin made it seem like he’d been in a fight with a lioness and lost.

His forced grin twitched as he tried to mask the deep-set fear in his eyes.

‘Well, well,’ he said, his tone a fragile effort at bravado. ‘Look who’s graced me with his presence. I didn’t expect to see you again so soon. You miss me already?’

I didn’t respond to his weak attempt at humor. I wasn’t here to talk games. I stepped forward, my gaze locking onto his, voice steady and cold. ‘You crossed a line at the gallery.’

Nicco’s smirk faltered, but he caught himself, leaning back into the couch as if pretending the sudden shift in the room didn’t make his stomach knot.

He gave a careless shrug, though the tension in his body betrayed him. ‘Business, my friend. You know how it goes. Sometimes you have to motivate people. Your girlfriend’s no exception.’

Rage seared through me, hot and furious, but I kept it buried.

I moved closer, my face in his personal space. ‘Motivate? You put your hands on her, Nicco. Do you think that’s something your father would allow to slide? Think he’d be OK with you roughing up a woman?’

‘He doesn’t give a fuck. I collect on his behalf, especially on the loan contracts, and how I do it is my own business.’

‘Until it crosses my shit,’ I drawled.

‘The hell? Who do you think you are?’

I reached out in a flash and slapped him.

The sound, a sharp crack, bounced off the walls, along with his cry.

I ignored the outrage on his face, and when he swung for me, I backhanded him, this time with a little more force.