Page 97 of Whiskey Run Heroes

After that, the conversation gets a little more stilted. I do find out more about Jeremy, which is a good thing because there’s no way May could be interested in this guy. I’ll give it to him. He’s obviously smart. He’s a professor at Jasper University and teaches chemical engineering, but when he starts to talk about his Lego collection—okay, I’ve heard of people collecting some weird things, but when he starts talking about how he spends most of his free time building Legos well, then yeah, I know May’s not going to find that as a useful way to pass time. I look at Colt, and even he’s surprised by this little revelation.

It’s obvious by the looks around the table that no one is happy with the way things are turning out. Well, everyone but me. I’m fine with Jeremy fucking this up. He doesn’t have a chance with her, anyway. What I can’t figure out is how in the world Colt thought Jeremy would be a good fit for his sister. I look at Jeremy across the table, and it hits me. Jeremy is safe. He’s the exact opposite of Colt and me. His job is safe. I mean, how much danger can there be as a college professor who collects Legos? I wouldn’t say there’s a lot. And I guess I can understand where Colt is coming from, but I know he wants his sister happy, and she wouldn’t be with someone like Jeremy. No, she’d be bored to tears. Maybe I’m biased, but I’m perfect for her. Just like she’s the only one for me.

We rush through dessert, a cinnamon apple Blaze cake that Kinsey picked up at the diner. It’s world famous, but everyonejust seems to be eating it and trying to get through this awkward dinner.

After his very last bite, Jeremy says he's about to leave. Colt turns to May. “Why don't you walk Jeremy out?”

She smiles and avoids looking at me again. I've never wanted to punch Colt in the face more than I do right now. He's always been so protective of his sister. Now it's like he's pushing her on this guy. Jeremy says bye to everybody and thanks Kinsey for dinner before he and May walk out the front door.

Colts immediately asks me what I'm doing here. “Did something come up at work or something?”

“No. Nothing like that,” I answer him, and I keep looking at the door that May and Jeremy just walked out of.

Kinsey, God bless her, puts a bag of trash in my hands. “Aiden, will you take this out for me?”

I swear I owe her after this. “Sure thing,” I tell her, and I walk out and dump the trash in the can and then run around to the front of the house and meet Jeremy and May on the porch. He's in the middle of asking her out, and I step up onto the porch to make sure that they both know I'm here. I look at May and dare her to accept.

“You better get back inside. It's getting chilly out here,” I tell her.

Her jaw tightens, and I know she hates being told what to do, but at least she doesn’t tell me no. She puts her hand out to Jeremy. “It was nice meeting you. Thank you for coming to dinner.”

I’m staring at him as he reaches out and wraps his hand around hers. He must feel my gaze on him, and I swear if he asks her out while I'm standing here, I'm going to whoop his ass. Thankfully he doesn’t because as soon as he sees the look on my face, he’s dropping his hand and stepping off the porch. I put my arm around May to make sure he gets the picture. He looksbetween the two of us, and by the look on my face, he knows what's up. Luckily, she doesn't stiffen up next to me. Jeremy walks off the porch and into his car, and May and I both stand there as he drives away. May pulls back. “What the fuck was that?”

“You’re mine,” I growl.

She starts to laugh. “What, now that another man shows me interest, now you want to make me your girlfriend?”

I lean down until we're at eye level. “In my eyes you've been my girlfriend. I want more.”

The door opens, and Colt stands in the doorway. “What are you guys doing out here?” May doesn’t answer him and stalks inside. I follow behind her. “What is going on?” Colt says behind me.

“Not now, Colt,” I tell him as I watch May grab her coat and put her arms in it. She's hugging Kinsey, and Colt’s trying to figure out what's going on, looking between May and me. Fuck this, I'm done hiding it. It's time...



Kinsey walks over to me and puts her arm around my shoulder, and right now, I really need it. I feel like Colt and Aiden are staring at me and are not going to be held off much longer. Kinsey squeezes me and whispers in my ear, “You promised me.”

For just a brief second, I have no idea what she's talking about, and then it hits me. I shake my head. “No, I'll tell him another time.”

I try to pull from her hug, but she doesn't let me go. “No, I told you. I can't keep this from him anymore. It's either you tell him or I tell him.”

I look at Aiden and wonder if he thinks I'm about to let it out and tell our secret. I look at my brother, and he's looking between the two of us and starting to get pissed. He's always been like that. He doesn't like it if I keep things from him. He puts his hands on his hips. “What's going on, May?”

I take a deep breath and nod at Kinsey, letting her know that I’m going to come clean. She lets me go a little bit, but she keeps a tight hold on my hand to let me know that she's by my side. I look at my brother and know that even though he's mad right now, he's probably going to be way worse as soon as I spill it. Itake a deep breath. “Well, I have a stalker, but it's not a big deal. I'm handling it,” I rush to tell him.

“You what?” Aiden asks, walking up to me. He puts his hands on my shoulders, and Kinsey releases me and walks to Colt, and I see her put her hand on his chest. Colt is looking at Aiden and me, and I look up at Aiden. He looks upset. “Why haven't you told me about this?”

I shrug my shoulders. “There's a guy at work. He brought me flowers and asked me out I told him no. It’s not—”

But Aiden interrupts me. “How come I'm just now hearing about this? How long has this been going on? What's his name?” The questions keep coming, and he's not giving me time to answer them. He grips my shoulders and leans down to where we are face to face.

Colt comes to stand next to us. “Chill, Aiden. She's my sister.” He looks at me with a jerk of his chin. “Who is this guy?”

“It's no one,” I tell him. I give Kinsey a look, and it's obvious she feels bad for saying something. But I know she felt she had to.

Aiden's voice is almost lethal. “Fuck that, May. Who is it?”