I can’t believe I’m getting married.
Knox was not kidding. He said he wasn’t going to let me go, and he hasn’t. Reluctantly, Nico and Carter left after the whole incident with Nick. Honestly, the only reason Nico left was because Anna assured him it was okay. And how could she not, when I told her about Knox and she heard how happy I was? There’s no way she was going to mess with that. I just had to promise her that I’d be back in Arizona soon.
It took a month for us to clear up everything with Nick. Knox’s commander put in a transfer for him, albeit unenthusiastically. He said he’d miss having Knox on his team, and I know he’s going to miss being a part of the team in Whiskey Run. But he keeps telling me I’m worth it.
And now we’re getting married tomorrow.
“So no strippers,” Knox says as he’s about to kiss me on the way out the door. Anna has planned a bachelorette party for me, and Bear, Dylan, and the others have planned a bachelor party for Knox.
I look at him innocently. “Me? Ours is going to be an innocent night of drinks and girl talk. It’s hard telling what you’re going to be doing. Maybe I should tell you no strippers.”
He wraps his arms around me and pulls me into him. “I say we skip the parties and me and you hang out instead.”
I push against his chest. “Hang out, huh? Is that what we’re calling it?”
He laughs. “You know what I mean.”
I kiss him with a big smile on my face. I can’t stop smiling. The days of always being nervous and looking over my shoulder are over. Being with Knox, I’ve never felt more loved or protected in my life.
“All right, break it up, let’s go,” Anna says as she walks hand in hand with Nico into the living room.
“We talked about it, and we’re going to skip tonight,” I tell her.
Anna lets go of Nico and stomps over to me. “No, you’re not. You only get married once, and it’s your last night of being single. We’re going to live it up.”
“She’s not single,” Knox growls, and the tone of his voice is possessive and causes a tremble down my back.
I turn in his arms and hold on to his waist. “I’m not single, she’s joking.”
“But technically...” Anna starts, and I roll my eyes at her. “Uh, can you give us a minute?”
She holds her hands up. “Sure, sure... meet you out front.”
Nico puts his arm around Anna’s shoulder. “The guys are all here, Knox. We’ll be out front too.”
Knox waves him on and searches my face. “I’m going to miss you tonight.”
“I’m going to miss you too.” I kiss him and grab his hand. Before we get outside, I reach into my purse and hand him a piece of paper.
It has a code on it. “What’s this?” he asks.
I wrap my hand around his neck and bring him down so his lips meet mine. He gives me a kiss that pretty much tells me there’s no way I’m single. When I pull away, I smirk. “That’s the new code for the guesthouse. Nico was messing with you and changed it today, but I wanted to make sure you had it... you know, in case you needed it tonight.”
Understanding lights his eyes. “So you’re not going to stick me to no seeing the bride before the wedding.”
I had actually considered it, but I hate being away from him when he’s on missions, and if he’s here, I don’t want to be apart. “I don’t want to...”
He kisses me again. “I don’t want to be away from you either, honey. Not if we don’t have to.”
When we get outside, it seems the party has already started. All the guys from the Haven Team and the team from Tennessee are here. Anna and all the wives of the Haven Team and the Whiskey Run team... it’s a full yard, and before I know it, I’m shoved into a car for a night of fun. I smile because I know I’ll be coming home later and seeing Knox.
Last night was fun.I did the obligatory few drinks, and then when everyone talked about going to a high roller poker game, I was out. I went back to the house to see my fiancée, and I know I should have let her get more sleep than she did, but I couldn’t keep my hands off her.
And now here we are. I have Bear as my best man. Walker, Nash, Dylan, Aiden and the rest of the guys are all here. Butabove all else, I’m about to lose it when my soon-to-be wife walks down the altar to me.