Page 80 of Whiskey Run Heroes

I should go to apologize to her, but I can’t right now. I need to put some space between us. I open my gun safe and pull out my guns. I take my time, cleaning each weapon before putting them away. It’s way after midnight, and I should be asleep after the day I had, but I know even if I tried, I wouldn’t be able to.

I lie down and toss and turn for hours. Before the sun is even up, I’m dressed in shorts and tennis shoes and step outside, set the house alarm, and take off running. I stay on the property because I want to be close in case Kali needs me, but I run until I’m exhausted and know that I have to go back.

When I get within sight of the house, I slow to a walk. As I get into the backyard, I see that Kali is sitting on the back porch, and when I get closer, I see she’s wearing my shirt again. Obviously, I should have gotten her pajamas too.

She’s watching me closely, and it’s physically painful to watch her she’s so beautiful.

Her eyes travel across my shoulders, down my stomach to my waist and down my legs. She’s rubbing her thighs together, and I don’t think she realizes that I can see exactly what she’s thinking as her eyes devour me. My cock twitches in my shorts. I want to talk to her, I want to explain last night, but not now when my need for her is so urgent. “I’m going to shower.”

She opens and closes her mouth, but I don’t stop to see what she was going to say. I need to clear my mind, put some distance between us so I can concentrate on finding Nick. He’s going down, and I won’t stop there. After I’m done with the Tanner family, there will be no chance of anyone coming for her again. She’ll never have to look over her shoulder, wondering if someone is following her. That ends now. But the only way to get the job done is to forget about my attraction to her and get to work.

By the time I walk into the bathroom, my cock is hard between my legs. I wrap my fist around myself, and the need for a release is strong, but I let go of myself grudgingly. I’ll never get her out of my head if I stroke off to thoughts of her. I turn the knob on and get in the shower, letting the cold water flow down my body.


He took a shower,came out, and barely looked at me. He’s avoided me all day. Now he’s out running again.

Ever since last night when I walked away from Knox like a scaredy cat after that amazing kiss, he’s avoided me. It’s beenmurder because not only do I regret walking away from the best kiss I’ve ever had, but there’s planning to get done. I have to move on. I got the call from the position I applied for, and they offered me the job. I was so upset that I had to turn it down, and now instead of upset, I’m pissed. I’m tired of the Tanners thinking they can keep taking things from me. First Miles kidnapping me and now Nick thinking I’m just going to lead him to my family. I have to put a stop to it. That crazy jerk is coming for me, and Knox avoiding me isn’t going to work for me.

I’ve attempted to approach him a few times, but each time he’s been working out and... sweating. He’s so handsome I just want to stare at him. Doing so does funny things to my belly. I’m literally tongue-tied and speechless when I’m watching him. The way he looks at me combined with his amazing body being slick with sweat is just too much. I’m afraid I’ll say or do something stupid.

But now that the day is coming to a close, I’m sure the jerk twin is closing in, and I can’t afford to let Knox avoid me anymore. I do my best to ignore the fact that he’s running shirtless.... again. And his body is tight and sexy under the moonlight.

I need to know what is happening, so when he comes up on the porch from his run, I stand up. “What’s the plan?”

He picks a towel up from the banister as he tries to catch his breath. He wipes across his face, arms, and chest, and I follow along with my eyes, watching his muscles ripple. “I’m working on it.” He points at me. “You’re supposed to be keeping a low profile. You shouldn’t be outside in nothing but a T-shirt.”

I pull my shirt—well, his shirt that I’m wearing again—up and show him the shorts I have on underneath. I have a few others I can wear, ones that Dylan brought me when he was out—but I love wearing Knox’s shirt and I washed it again today, knowing I’d want to sleep in it tonight. “You’re just trying to picka fight, Knox. You know that no one is out here. Wasn’t that the point of this house being safe is because it’s so remote? I could come out here naked and no one would notice.”

He gulps loudly and stares back at me. “I’d sure as hell notice.” He’s watching me with such intensity I’m frozen to my spot. “You’re distracting me, Kali, and since you obviously don’t want my attention, you need to be careful what you say around me.”

It sounds like a threat. My heart is thumping in my chest. I could turn around and walk away, and I know he wouldn’t follow me. He’d leave me be and possibly ignore me the rest of my time here until he solves my problem and lets me leave. I almost do it. I almost walk away... again. But something stops me. Maybe it’s the way he’s looking at me like he wants me more than he wants his next breath. Maybe it’s because he makes me feel alive for the first time. I’m not sure, but I know I’m not walking away again.

I take three steps and stop when I’m toe to toe with him. I lift my head, so I’m looking directly into his eyes. “I wasn’t ready for it before, but I am now.”

He’s shaking his head, and I know he’s going to be a good man right now. He’s going to tell me no and turn me away. He doesn’t want to take advantage, but I don’t want to be saved from him. I put my hands on his waist, and his hot skin under my fingertips feels good. I tighten my hold.

His eyes get big, and he looks unsure what he should do. I swallow. “Do you still want me, Knox?”

He doesn’t blink, doesn’t move a muscle, and I barely hear him when he finally answers me. “Yes.”

I nod. “I want you, too.”

He puts his hands on each side of my neck, and he’s shaking his head. “Kali, I’m weak when it comes to you. I should send you to your room and have you lock the door behind you. You’re vulnerable right now... what kind of man would I be—”

“You’re a good man, Knox. I know you are. That’s why I’m here. That’s why all I’ve thought about is being with you. I have never trusted a man before... not to do the things I want you to do to me... with me.”

His head falls, and he rests his forehead to mine. “Fuck, baby, I shouldn’t... Nico...”

I slide my hands up his chest, and the more I touch him, the easier this is for me. I’ve always thought I was cold, frigid, but being with Knox proves to me I’m not. I just haven’t met the man I knew I could trust until now. “This has nothing to do with Nico. It’s just you and me.” I lean in and put my lips against his chest. I can feel his heart thundering under my mouth. His hands stroke up and down my back, pulling me against him. The feel of his hard body pressed against mine sends a thrill through me. He positions me close to him, lining our bodies up until I can feel the changes in his body pressed against my belly.

“I can’t say no to you, Kali, but I can’t hurt you either,” he whispers to the top of my head.

My heart lurches in my chest. I know there’s nothing that can come of us, but I still don’t want to leave here without giving myself to him. For the first time in my life, I’m not scared. “I know what this is. I know it’s one night. I’m not going to try and trap you into anything more.”

He shakes his head and withdraws enough to hold my gaze. “No, I mean, it’s been a long time for me, baby. You have me burning up for you, and I don’t want to hurt you.”

I shrug. “I know you won’t.”