Page 62 of Whiskey Run Heroes

“All right, guys, I get it. Let’s make it an early day. I’ll keep in touch.”

Everyone starts walking out of the office, and I watch as Sam gets to the door, turns, and smiles at me before walking out. We spent the night together last night, and if I have my choice, we will be doing the same from here on out.

Knox is walking, staring at a picture on his phone. “You okay, Knox?”

He startles as if he didn’t notice me walking next to him. “Uh, yeah, a friend called in a favor. I’m heading to Knoxville.”

“Anything I can help with?” I ask, because the look on his face tells me that it’s not just a friendly favor.

“No. Well, I don’t think so anyway.”

I hit him on the back. “Call if you need anything.”

He nods. “Thanks, Bear.” And then walks off in the direction to Dylan’s office.

I walk down the hallway, straight for Sam’s office. I get inside and shut the door, and she’s leaning on her desk as if she’s been waiting on me.

I can’t resist, and I walk straight to her and pull her into my arms for a kiss. We talked about boundaries last night, and it seems I’m already breaking one of the rules she made up of no making out in the office.

I force myself to pull away. “Sorry about that. You coming to my house tonight?”

“Sure.” She shrugs and then holds her hand up. She starts taking the ring off her finger. “Here you go. I forgot to give you this back last night.”

I grab on to her hands to stop her. “That’s okay. Keep it on.”

She stops and looks at me with her mouth wide open. “What do you mean keep it on?”

I show her my hand. “I’m still wearing mine.”

She puts her hand on her hip. “I can’t wear a ring you bought for someone else.”

“I bought it the day I met you. And one day you’re going to wear it for real. Until you’re ready for that, you can wear it so people know you’re taken.”

She holds her hand up between us. “You bought this the day you met me. Like you bought it thinking I’d wear it one day?”

I thread our fingers together. “Fuck, I hoped so.”

She swallows and bites her lip. “What if I want it to be real?”

My hands automatically tighten on her. “What are you saying?”

She shakes her head and smiles at me. Her big blue eyes are doing nothing to hide how she feels about me. It’s as clear as the Whiskey Run sky at night. “I’m saying that if you asked me, I’d say yes.”

I grab on to her tightly by the shoulders and then realize what I’m doing and gentle my hold. “Don’t fuck with me, Sam.”

She laughs. “I’m not.”

I don’t hesitate. I drop to a knee in front of her. “I love you, Sam. I want to spend the rest of my life loving you. Will you marry me?”

She has tears rolling down her cheeks. “Yes. I love you, Liam James.”

I stand up and pick her up in one smooth motion. I swing her around and kiss her until she’s breathless. The rule of no making out at the office will have to start tomorrow because there’s no way I can stop now. She’s mine now... forever.