Page 56 of Whiskey Run Heroes

“Arrrrgh!” she yells as her body starts to writhe uncontrollably underneath me. Every muscle is pulled taut, and her eyes are wide open in astonishment. She’s too tight. Too hot and too wet. I bellow, way louder than I probably should, but I can’t hold back. I’ve never felt anything so perfect before in my life.

I come then, until I’ve completely filled her up.

We’re both panting and trying to catch our breath. I pull away and grab the towel I took off her earlier and clean myself off before going to the bathroom to grab one for her. When I come out of the bathroom, she’s already standing up with my T-shirt over her head.

I stop in front of her. “As much as I like seeing you in my shirt, I like you better with nothing.”

She won’t look at me. As a matter of fact, she’s looking everywhere but at me. “Look at me, Sam.”

She blushes, obviously remembering just seconds ago when I said those exact words to her, but I was buried deep in her pussy at the time.

She looks at me with bright red cheeks. “What?”

“You’re wasting your time covering yourself up. I’m going to have you again.”

Her hand goes to my chest like that’s going to stop me. “Bear.”

I shrug. “What? It’s the truth. That pussy is golden. I’m going to need more.”

She laughs as if I’m joking. “I see, so basically what you’re saying is you’re just after my body.”

Without even thinking about it, I tug the shirt off her, pick her up, and lay her back down on the bed and follow after her. “I want it all.”

“Bear...” she says, searching my eyes.

I cup her face in my hand and hold her gaze with my own. “I want it all, Sam. This is nice. Fuck, this was better than I dreamed about. But it’s not all I want. I want all of you.”

I can tell she’s trying to figure out if I’m serious, so I don’t even blink. If she looks in my eyes, she’ll see exactly what I’m telling her. There’s no way she can’t see how I feel about her.

She pushes me backwards, and for just a minute, I worry that she’s pushing me off her. At least until she swings her leg over and straddles my waist. I grab on to her hips, and my cock is already lengthening, ready for round two. She must feel it against her ass because she rocks backwards and nudges me. “You have to be kidding me.”

I shrug. “You’re going to find out sooner or later. I can just hear your name and I’m hard. So you, naked on top of me, it’s definitely going to happen.”

She reaches behind herself and wraps her hand around my girth. I groan as she tightens her hold on me. “Hmmm, I might like this side of you, Bear.”

She leans down and kisses me, which is a good thing. It wouldn’t take much for me to tell her that I love her and want her to have my babies... and I don’t think she’s ready for that.



“You’re staying here.”

I turn and look at him, knowing I didn’t hear what I thought I heard. My body is still vibrating from earlier, and obviously it’s messed with my hearing. “What did you just say?”

He walks toward me, and I know that look on his face. The bad thing about it is that I know it’s going to be hard to say no to Bear. Already, I can feel myself wanting to give him everything he wants. But I’ve worked too hard for where I am in life; I can’t just give up my job and my dreams because he thinks he needs to protect me. And then it hits me. I put my hand on his chest to stop him from coming any closer. “You don’t think I can take care of myself?”

He puts his hand over mine as if he’s holding it over his heart. “Yes, I do. That’s not even a question. I told you that you’ve proven yourself to me and everyone else. You’re a badass, Sam. There’s no doubt about it. But what I’m saying is—” He stops and shakes his head. “Fuck, I don’t even know what I’m saying. I know I can’t keep you here or in a bubble. I...” He exhales deeply and searches my face. “I just can’t lose you, that’s all.”

And just like that, I go from being pissed off and ready to tell him what he can do with that bossy attitude to now I want to juststay in this room and kiss him and let him hold me. “This is my job, Bear. I have to do it.”

He’s nodding before I even get it all out. “I know that. But I need you to stay by my side. No leaving it for any reason, not even to go to the ladies’ room.”

I smirk, like he’s joking, and he just shrugs. “You think I’m joking? Try it and I’ll just follow you in there.”

I pat his chest and lean up to kiss him. “Got it. Pee before I get there.”

I start to pull away, and he stops me, gathering me in his arms. “We going to talk about what happened?”