Page 38 of Whiskey Run Heroes

I chuckle because he’s definitely telling the truth about that. Bear’s big. “You know where we’re going?”

He nods. “Yep, checked it out on the way in this morning.”

I nod and should probably feel guilty that while Knox, Aiden, and Bear were all traveling and working, I was in bed with Madison, but I don’t. Nothing will make me feel bad about that. “I appreciate you guys coming...”

“Always, brother. You know that.”

I nod understandingly because I feel the same way about them. “So we go and I pay the guy and convince him to lose Ethan’s name and Madison’s name.”

Bear nods. “Yep, but you know it’s not going to be that easy.”

He turns the corner, and we’re a block away from the meeting spot. “It never is.”

When Bear parks, I get out and grab the bag from the back. We meet at the front of the truck, and Bear is looking at the tall building that is still under construction. “Ready?” he asks.

“You got an extra...”

Bear reaches into the back waistband of his jeans and hands me a gun.

“Wait, that’s my gun. How’d you...?”

He just shrugs. “I know you like to use your fists, but I thought since the ante has been upped you might want that.” He gestures to the metal in my hands.

I may practice every week, but I haven’t drawn a weapon in a while. I nod. He’s right. If the ante is protecting Madison, then I’m going to do it by any means necessary. “Thanks.”


I knewthe minute I woke up alone that something was up. I opened the door to the hotel room and ran smack dab into Knox’s back. “Knox!”

He turns and looks at me almost as if he’s bored. His eyes are set on mine, never lowering them down my body. “I don’t have a death wish. Go put some clothes on before John kills you and me both.”

I know I should listen to him, but I’m too pissed. “Where’s he at? And what are you doing here?”

Knox then starts to stare at the ceiling. “John is out taking care of business. I’m here to protect you.”

“Protect me? I can protect myself.”

He shrugs. “You’re probably right, but I guess John didn’t want to chance it.”

“Damn it, he’s going to get himself killed.”

“No, he won’t. This is what we do. Plus, he has Bear with him.”

I nod. Good, Bear is pretty intimidating looking. “Okay, I’m going to get dressed then we can go...”

He puts his hand up and then as if realizing it’s in front of my chest, he lowers it quickly. “We’re not going anywhere.”

“I’m not staying here. I got him into this.”

Knox puts his hand on the door as if he’s blocking me. “Look, I promised him I’d keep you here, and that’s what I’m going to do.”

“No, you look. I’ll never forgive myself if something happens to him. I have to go. I have to...”

He holds his hands up and clenches his jaw. “I know. I understand what you’re saying, but he’ll never forgive me if something happens to you. The plan was they’ll come back here after it’s done. We stay here and wait.”

I open my mouth, but Knox’s jaw tightens, and he glares at me with determination. I shake my head. “Fine.” I step back into the room and let the door slam shut.

I know I can’t sit here and wait. I grab clothes out of my bag and get dressed quickly. I spot the car key on the dresser next to my phone and put them both in my pocket, and once I lace up my tennis shoes, I move toward the balcony door. It’s only two floors up; surely I can figure out a way to get out of here. On my way out, I spot the duffle bag of money and about trip over my own feet. Oh my God, he didn’t even take the money. He’s a dead man, for sure. I grab the bag and put it over my shoulders and then step outside. There’s not any trees or anything to help me scale down. I lean over the edge, knowing it’s too far for me to drop.