Page 30 of Whiskey Run Heroes

“I didn’t,” I answer him.

He nods and squeezes my hand. “Okay, so here’s the plan. We’re going to rent a car, check in at the hotel, and then go see your brother.”

I nod because I’m not in any position to be disagreeing with him right now. What kind of mess have I gotten us into?

John refuses my money when I try to pay for the car rental, and he’s quiet the whole ride to the hotel. I’m sure he’s mad, probably seething mad at this point. I’ve not only gotten myself mixed up with the cartel, but I’ve pulled him into it too. Fuck, I’m a fool.

We pull up to the hotel, and John tries to carry my bag, but I hold on to it. I need some sense of security. We stand in line at the front desk, and I can feel John’s worried gaze on me, but I’m not going to look at him. He’s worried about me, and I’ve completely gotten him into this mess.

“Can I help you?” the woman at the counter asks John.

I step up next to him, but she doesn’t pay me any mind. “Yes, we need one room with two queens please.”

“Uh...” I start, but John puts his hand over mine.

“Until we’re back in Whiskey Run, you’re with me, Madison. I can’t protect you in another room.”

I close my mouth and nod. I should argue, a part of me wants to argue, but a warmth spreads through my body at his protectiveness. I can’t remember anyone ever making me feel protected like he does. So even though I know it won’t last or even if I should let myself be vulnerable to it, I keep my mouth shut and agree with him.

It’s not until we’re on the elevator that I realize he paid for the room. “Uh, I’m so sorry. I’ll pay you for the room and the car, John.”

He looks at me, and his gaze is so fixed on me that I start to squirm. He doesn’t answer, but I can tell by the stern look on his face he’s not going to be accepting any money from me. I turn to stare at the chrome elevator doors. I’ll just give it to Jenna to give to him.

I look at his reflection in the door, and he’s still staring at me. I feel a weight on my chest, and I don’t question it. I know what it is. Any time I’m around John, I get it. I could chalk it up to the simple heartache of wanting someone I know I can’t have, but it’s more than that. My heart literally races when he’s near. I’ve tried to get him out of my system and to forget about him, but any dates I’ve been on, I’ve always compared them to him.

The ping alerting us that we’ve arrived on our floor brings me from my thoughts. He puts his arm across my body to stop me from getting off. He looks both ways down the hallway before allowing me to follow. “Is all that necessary?” I ask in a huff, mostly to hide my body’s reaction to his arm touching me.

He doesn’t answer me until we’re standing in front of a door and he’s waving the key across the lock to open it. “You have no idea who we’re dealing with, Madison. Baron already knows you’re in Florida. He knew the minute you stepped off the plane.”

As soon as we’re in, he shuts the door and has me stand by it while he checks the room. “He does not,” I answer him defiantly.

Once he’s done checking the room, he walks over to me and stops right in front of me. I’m trying not to be scared, but there’s no hiding it from John. He lifts my chin and moves it side to side. I swear it’s like he’s taking me all in, looking at me for the first time. “He does. But it doesn’t matter. Do you know why?”

He’s staring down at me. We’re so close I know I could just raise on my tiptoes just a little bit and my lips could touch his. I take a deep breath, and when I answer him, my voice is thick and filled with pent-up frustration. “Why?”

He doesn’t hesitate. “Because I’d die before I let anything happen to you.”

I put my hand on his chest and curl my fingers into the warmth of his shirt. “Don’t say that.” Just him mentioning his own mortality has me sick to my stomach.

“It’s true, Madison. I’m not going to let anything happen to you.”

I search his eyes, and he’s completely serious. I don’t know if he realizes it or not, but his words and that kiss on the plane are giving me hope of something I know I can’t have. I’ve wanted John for as long as I can remember, but by the same token, I know I’m not good for him. Just like I’m not good enough for his sister. I’m meeting with a drug cartel tomorrow. My life isn’t a normal one.

And with that, I pull back and step away, walking over to the bed farthest from the door and setting my bag down. “John, I wish you hadn’t come. Obviously I didn’t know what I’d gotten myself into, but I don’t want to bring you into this. You have your sister and her baby to think about. You want the cartel after them?” I don’t even wait for him to answer. I start taking items out of the bag, lay the bound twenty thousand dollars—my life savings—on the bed, turn to him, and huff. “So this is how this is going to go. I know this wasn’t smart of me, but it’s done. I’m here, and I can’t leave now. But you can, and you probably should. It will be better before they even associate you with me.”

He starts for me but stops suddenly. His hands are fisted at his sides, and he’s mad. Boy, is he mad. “We’re leaving to see your brother in ten minutes, and we’ll grab something to eat while we’re out.”

I open my mouth to argue, but he holds his hands up in front of him. He’s frustrated and almost to his breaking point, I think. He runs a hand through his hair. “Look, Madison, I don’t know what you think or how you feel, but let me tell you this. You’re important to Jenna and to me. I’m not leaving you... I’ll never leave you to handle something like this on your own. You don’t get it... I physically couldn’t walk out of here... away from you. Someone will have to shoot me first. I need to keep you safe.”

I let out a shuddering breath. “Why?” I want to ask him if it’s because I’m his sister’s best friend, but I don’t have the guts. Maybe because I’m worried he’ll say yes.

“I would tell you why, but I don’t think you’re ready for that yet. Just know that where you go... I go.” He holds up his phone and opens the balcony doors. “And with that, I’m going to make some calls. Be ready in ten.”

He’s standing in the doorway, one foot on the balcony and one foot in the room and stops. “And Madison, don’t even think about running because I’ll just follow you.”

His gaze travels down my body and back up before he steps outside and pulls the door shut. Only then do I release a breath, and my hand comes up to fan myself. I know I should be scared and nervous about tomorrow, but all I feel right now is hot... and bothered about tonight.