Jenna rolls her eyes. “They don’t... unless he needs something. Look, he’s gotten her in trouble before—"
I hold my hands up to interrupt her. “What do you mean he got her in trouble before?”
“I mean, she went to bail him out before, back in LA, and he was with a lot of bad guys and they roughed her up. I don’t know what all happened, but she came back with a black eye and a busted lip. She says she can handle it, and I mean, if I wasn’t like this”—she points at her belly—“I’d go with her.”
“Over my dead body,” I say, not even trying to hold back.
Jenna reaches out and wraps her hand around my forearm. “I know, John. I’m so lucky to have a brother like you. You’d never let me get into a situation like the ones that Ethan drags her into. But Madison doesn’t have anyone... not anyone that cares about her enough to stop this madness.”
“Yes, she does. She has you, and she has me,” I say gruffly.
Jenna’s nodding. “I hoped you would feel that way... so you’ll help her?”
“Yes, of course I will. When is she leaving?”
Jenna gets up and is ushering me toward the door. We walk outside to the sidewalk. “Tomorrow. But I don’t know where she’s going or anything else. She wouldn’t tell me.”
I nod. “I’ll figure it out. How’d today go?” I ask her, nodding toward the coffee shop. This is her second store, and I know it’s going to be a hit here in Whiskey Run.
“It went great. Madison didn’t let me do anything but sit in a chair. She took care of everything.”
I cross my arms over my chest. “How’s it going to be with her gone? You going to be okay?”
She rolls her eyes. “You know Madison. Even with her gone, she still has it all lined out and under control. I’m pretty sure she threatened half the staff that if they mess up anything or if I lift a finger, she’s going to kick their butt or something. They’ve been all over me since she left.”
I rub my palm over my chest, right over my heart. I know Madison is lucky to have Jenna, but Jenna’s lucky to have her too. She’s been a great friend to my sister, and that’s why I’m not going to fuck it up. I may be attracted to her, but I’m not going to act on it. No matter how badly I want to. “Okay, so don’t worry about Madison. I’ll take care of her... but you do realize that even though I’m going, I’m going to do my best to be here...”
I let my voice trail off. I hate to even say it.
Jenna pats her belly. “You may not be back in time?”
I shrug, and she nods. “I know and I understand, John. Dylan is going to take care of me... both of us. We’ll be here when you and Madison get back, okay?”
I wrap my arms around her and hug her tightly. “I love you, sis.”
She nods against my chest. “I know you do. I love you too, big brother.”
I release her and start walking back toward the diner where my truck is parked. “Stay off your feet, Jenna.”
“I will. Stay safe.”
I nod and turn to jog down the sidewalk. I need to go talk to my boss Walker about taking some time off, and then I probably need to pack.
I make it back to the warehouse and go straight to Walker’s office. “I need a few days off,” I tell him. Walker’s a great boss, and I never take any time off. If there’s any way possible, I know Walker will be all right with it.
“Is everything okay with Jenna?” he asks me.
Fuck, I know this is the absolute worst possible time to leave, but there’s no way around it. “She’s fine.”
Walker looks at me skeptically. “Are you going to tell me why you need time off?”
I don’t know what to tell him, especially since I have no idea where Madison is going or exactly why. When I hesitate, he asks, “Are you in trouble? Do you need help?”
I shake my head. “I’m not in any kind of trouble. I have a friend. Well, my sister has a friend. She needs help.”
He nods. “Fine. Take as long as you need.”
I thank him, and before I can get out the door, he stops me. “But... I need you to check in.”