Page 22 of Whiskey Run Heroes

I wait just a minute, and there’s a knock on my door and then she slips in, shutting the door behind her. She’s cute. She has a pen and a pad of paper in her hand as if I called her in here to take notes or something. “What do you plan on doing with that?” I ask her, getting up from my desk. My cock is hard, pressing against my zipper.

She notices immediately, and her voice gets low and husky. “I wasn’t sure. I thought you might need me to take notes.”

I take the paper and the pen from her hand and toss it onto my desk. She comes to me without me even having to tell her. Our lips mesh together like we’ve been kissing our whole lives instead of for the first time a few days ago. I pull back just enough to look into her eyes.

Her lips are already swollen, like they have been for days. I want everyone to know she’s taken, and that’s as good a way as any.

“I have a present for you.”

She puts her hand on my chest. “Walker, you have paid to have all my stuff moved to your house, and I know you paid extra to have it done in one day. It’s crazy. You don’t have to buy me things. Plus, you promised after the shipment of lingerie yesterday you were done.”

“And I kept my promise. This is something I bought the day I met you.”

“The day you met me? Five years ago?”

I nod and pull the tiny box from my pocket. I get down on one knee and ask her the most important question I’ve ever asked. “Will you be my wife, Brooklyn?”

She’s stunned, looking between me and the ring I’m holding out. I’m already putting it on her finger. She can tell me that she needs time to think about it or whatever. I’ll give her time, but she’s wearing my ring while she’s doing it.

She covers my hand with hers. “I want to marry you, Walker.”

“That’s good to know, honey. I was being nice by asking. You weren’t really being given a choice.”

She stares at the ring and back at me. She’s got a flirty smile on her face. “You’re such a romantic.”

I shrug. I’m not, but she seems to bring out a sense of greediness I’ve never felt before. “Let’s get outta here.”

“Walker, we took the last three days off. We need to work.”

My hands grip her waist and pull her against me, rubbing my swollen cock against her belly. I can’t fuckin’ resist her. “Office sex, then?”

She puts her arms around my neck. “Well, since we are getting married, I’m pretty sure that means you can have me anytime you want.”

I’m already salivating. “I like the way you think, wifey.”

She tugs at my shirt. “Less talk, more action.”

She has no idea what she’s asking for. But I’ll show her. In less than five minutes, I’ll have her panting, begging for her release. And she’ll be wearing my ring the whole time.