Dr. Johnson nods his head. “Of course. I'm going to take care of this. Dr. Lassiter actually had a death in his family and called in to say that he was going to be in Florida for the next few days. As soon as he gets back, I'm going to make sure that I bring him in and address this before the board. I promise you that you will not be working the same shifts with him until we are able to work this out and everything is investigated.”
I nod because I know that I can't ask for more than that. They probably won’t take my word over his, but I'm hoping that other nurses will step forward also. I stand up and shake Mr. Johnson's hand. “I appreciate it.”
Aiden follows behind me and turns to Dr. Johnson. “I'm trusting that while she's here at the hospital, she is going to be protected.”
Dr. Johnson agrees, and we walk out of the room. Just talking about it, I feel like there's been a great weight lifted off my shoulders.
I point to the elevator. “I work on the third floor.”
He punches the button on the elevator and puts his arm around my shoulder. “I know which floor you work on.”
I expect him to go once I get on the elevator, but he follows behind me. We ride up, hand in hand. “I'm not going to let anything happen to you, May.”
I nod because I know that what he's saying is true. That's just who he is. When the doors open, I get out, and he walks with me down to the nurse’s station. Once we get there, it seems all the other nurses stop suddenly and are all staring at him, and I sort of can't blame them. Aiden is definitely something to look at, but he has only eyes for me. It's like he doesn't even see anybody else around us. “So I'll be back when your shift is over.”
I shake my head. “My car is here. I can drive myself home, you don't have to come back.”
He leans down and whispers softly so that no one else can hear, “I wanted you to drive today so you would have your car in case you needed to leave in the middle of your shift or something. I didn't want you to be here stranded. But I'm going to be here bringing you to work and taking you home to my house—our house—every day. At least until all of this is settled.”
I put my hand on his chest. “And what's going to have to happen after it’s settled?”
He twirls a piece of my hair on his finger and then puts his hand on the side of my neck. “Well after this is settled, you'll still be driving to our house because I'm not going to be apart from you, not even for one night, May. I meant everything I said last night. I don't want to leave you right now and you start second guessing how I feel. I love you.”
He knows me. He knows me probably better than anybody because once he walks away, I probably would have started to question everything that happened last night. “I love you, too, Aiden.”
He kisses me right there in front of everybody. “I'll be back,” he says, and I watch him as he walks back down the hallway andgets onto the elevator. Another nurse walks up to me, fanning her face. “Who was that?”
I can't stop the smile from forming. “That's my boyfriend.”
“Wow. Does he have a brother?”
I laugh at Nurse Stevens. She’s known as a hard-ass around here, but obviously Aiden can even charm the hardest of hearts. “No, he’s one of a kind.”
She pats me on the back. “He sure is, honey. He sure is.”
She walks down the hallway and is fanning herself the whole way. I completely understand why.
Fuck, I hate leaving her. I really do. But I know she's not going to like it if I just sit in the nurse's station while she works all day. Plus, I know that I can get help from the guys at work. I drive back into Whiskey Run and pull into the compound. The guy at the gate flags me through, and I no sooner park and I'm out the door and running inside. I say hi to Brooklyn, Walker’s assistant and now wife, as I pass her and go straight towards Dylan's office. Dylan is the tech guy. He can find out anything. He's smiling when I walk in, but when he sees the look on my face, the smile disappears. “What’s up?” he asks.
“I need you to do me a favor.”
He shrugs. “Sure, anything.”
I bypass all the small talk and get straight to the point. “I need you to give me all the information you can on a Dr. Lassiter. He works at Jasper Hospital.”
Before I even get the words out, Dylan's typing into his computer. He goes through, scanning the screen. “On the surface, everything looks like it's on the up and up.”
I nod “Figured that would be the case. I need you to dig deeper, if you can.”
He doesn’t look up from his computer, but I don’t take offense. He’s like that. Once he has something he has to figure out, he stays on it until he’s completely satisfied that he’s gotten all the information. He mumbles, “Sure. No problem, man.”
“I'll be back,” I tell him as I walk out the door and go to the meeting that Nash, my boss, is holding in the conference room. I barely make it to my seat before he starts talking.
I’m thumbing through the file that was placed in front of me, and I can feel Colt staring a hole through me.