Page 39 of Whiskey Run Heroes

I take a deep breath and climb the railing and step on to the patio next door. I keep moving across, patio to patio. I go fourrooms across and then start checking balcony doors. Every one that is locked, I move on to the next patio and check it. I’m almost to the last one when I get lucky, and the door is unlocked. I pull it back and sneak into the room, letting out a breath when no one is in the room. I go to the door and open it as quietly as I can. I peek down the hallway, and Knox is at the opposite end staring down at his phone. Across from me is the door to the stairwell. In one quick movement, I sprint across the hall, and the door shuts behind me as I open and plow through the stairwell door. I run down the steps and outside.

I run around to the other side of the hotel, and sure enough, the rental car is where we left it. I pull the keys out of my pocket and pull the directions up on my phone as I get in. There’s no time to waste. I have to get to John. I just hope I’m in time.



“Who the fuck are you?”

I look at Bear, and he doesn’t even look fazed by the voice behind us. We both turn and come face to face with Baron and three other men. I recognize them as his bodyguards.

“I’m John, and this is Bear. We’re here on Madison’s behalf.”

He laughs, and when he does, the others start to laugh. Suddenly he stops and so do the others. He has them trained well. “Well, that doesn’t work for me. I arranged to meet with Madison, Ethan’s sister, and that’s who I plan to meet with.” He turns to go and says loud enough for us to hear him, “Get rid of them.”

The three goons start walking our way, and I hold my bag up. “I have your money.”

That stops Baron, and he turns swiftly, walking toward us. “You have my money? You have the twenty Gs?”

“I have the fifty grand. That’s what Ethan owes you, right?”

Baron is twitching to get a hold of the money, but there’s no way I’m just going to turn it over.

Baron takes another step toward us, and the other three men move in closer to him as if surrounding him. He shrugs. “I’ll take it all, but that will not make us even.”

I drop my hand with the bag and grit my teeth. I know I don’t want to know the answer, but I ask it anyway. “Why will it not make it even?”

He smirks. “Because he promised his sister. He said she was a good girl and well”—he claps his hands together and runs them back and forth—“I like good girls. So yeah, I’ll happily take the money, but I’m coming for the girl.”

Fuckin’ Ethan. I know he’s messed up on drugs, but I had no idea it was so bad he’d really offer up his sister. He may be in a rehab, but there’s no way I’m letting him around his sister again without me. I start to shake my head. “Over my…” I start toward him, and Bear puts an arm out to stop me. His voice is deep and commands the attention of them all.

“You won’t be getting the girl. The option is the money or nothing. Take it or leave it.”

Baron crosses his arms over his chest, and instantly all three men have their guns drawn, pointing right at us. “No, I don’t have to take it or leave it. It looks like you’re out of options.”

I wait for the signal from Bear. We’ve been in situations way worse than this, and even though it’s not ideal, I know it’s going to happen. Bear lifts his head, and I wait for his chin to drop when I hear Madison’s voice. “I’m here. I’m here. Don’t shoot.”

My heart drops into my stomach, and all eyes turn to Madison, even mine. Bear is the only one that doesn’t lose composure. He drops his chin and pulls his gun out, bringing me back to focus. I pull mine and aim it at one of the men with the guns. We’re outnumbered, and for the first time that bothers me, just because Madison is here.

“Madison, stay where you’re at,” I yell at her.

“I’m not just going to stand here and let you get killed.”

I grit my teeth. Fuck, I swear I’m going to spank her ass later. “Woman, I’m telling you. Stay where you’re at.”

She starts to mumble, and I know I’m going to pay for it later. She’s not going to like being called woman or being told what to do. I stare at the men. “Look, this is about to be over. You can take your money and go or I can shoot you. I’m done with this.”

Baron starts to laugh, and Bear yells ‘now’ at the same time. I have no idea whatnowmeans, but when Bear keeps steady, I do the same. In seconds we are completely surrounded by Orlando’s finest. They’re coming in all directions when Bear tells the three men with Baron, “Put your guns down.”

Baron and his men do what he says, and cops come up to cuff them. I put my gun in my waistband and run to Madison. She jumps into my arms and is crying, running her hands up and down my chest, across my shoulders and then my face. Now is not the time, but there’s no way I can just stand here and take her frisking without embarrassing myself. I grab on to her hands and kiss her. She melts into me, and I breathlessly pull away. “We have a lot to talk about.”

She nods, puts her arms around my waist, and holds on tight.

Bear walks up to us. “Everyone okay?”

I nod. “How did you—? I mean...”

He shrugs. “I called in backup.”