Page 29 of Whiskey Run Heroes

She must hear the sincerity in my voice because she doesn’t try to argue with me. Instead she asks the one question I don’t know if I should answer. “Why did you say it then?”

I let out a breath. There’s a child crying in the back of the airplane. The couple in front of us are bickering about whether to open or close the window, but I tune it all out. It’s as if it’s just Madison and me on this plane, and I know the way I answer is going to change things between us. I could lie and chalk it up to just being an asshole. It would be believable. But I don’t want to lie to her. “Because I was attracted to you.”

I ignore her gasp, and even though her eyes dart to mine, I continue. “You went from being my little sister’s annoying friend to a woman that I... wanted almost overnight. I was only on leave that week—"

She nods her head. “Yeah, but you didn’t stay the whole week. You left the day after our prom.”

I shrug. “I had to. You... you were too tempting, Madison. I had to get out of there.”

“You left because of me?”

I reach for her hand again. I don’t know if it’s what we’re facing tomorrow or just being close to her, but touching her gives me comfort. I’ve never been one to seek comfort, but I guess if it comes in the form of Madison, I need it. I’m craving it like a man in the desert without water. He’d do anything to have it. I wrap my hand around hers and bring it up to my chest. Her eyes round looking at our hands and then back at my face. “Yeah, I left because of you. By that time, I’d already been in the Army a while. I’m ten years older than you, Madison. I had to leave... before I did something that I’d regret.”

She opens her mouth and then closes it really fast. I’m about to ask her what she was going to say when the pilot’s voice comes over the speaker announcing our landing. Madison tenses next to me, and I release her hand, pull her into me, and put my arm around her shoulder. She’s taking deep breaths, and it’s obvious she’s on the edge of freaking out. It’s completely out of the ordinary for her. Madison is a badass, and I’ve never seen this side of her. It brings out a protectiveness in me that has me wanting to shelter her from the world.

“So takeoff and landing... that’s what bothers you?”

She takes a deep breath and blows it out. “Yep. In the air doesn’t bother me.”

I wrap my hand around her neck. “Look at me. Focus on me.”

She does as I ask and continues taking deep breaths, but at one point her breathing changes and gets choppier. She’s staring into my eyes, and I know she sees the desire in mine. I’ve hidden it for so long, and I just can’t anymore. “What can I do?” I ask her.

She blinks, and her long eyelashes flutter. “You really want to know?”

I nod and swallow.

“Kiss me,” she says, her voice soft and thick.

My forehead rests against hers. There’s no way I can deny her. Not anymore... and not when she’s asking me for the one thing I’ve dreamed about for what seems like forever. I only have to move an inch to press my lips to hers. As soon as we connect, I know there’s no pulling back. Not until I’ve kissed her, tasted her, and committed the feel of her to memory.

Our lips mesh together, and she gasps. I take full advantage and deepen the kiss. With one hand on her nape, I wrap my other arm around her and pull her against me. The kiss is all consuming. My cock is hard, pressed against my zipper, but I don’t care. I’m not stopping. There’s no concept of time. I kiss her lightly, deepen the kiss, and then nip at her lips. She’s with me the whole way, and it’s as if we’re getting to know each other on a whole other level.

A peck on my shoulder has me pulling back. The flight attendant clears her throat. “Uh, it’s time to depart.”

I lift my head, and there’s a line of people in the aisle waiting to get off the plane. Some of them are looking over their shoulders, snickering at us. I am completely off my game because usually I’m aware of everything. With Madison, it’s like I’m only aware of her. I nod my head at the flight attendant and look at Madison. Her eyes are wide and a darker shade of blue. Her lips are red and swollen, and she’s staring at me in shock.

I stand up and adjust myself. It’s obvious to anyone paying attention that I’m turned on and close to the edge. I lean down and kiss Madison again. I know we’ll have to talk about this eventually, but right now, we’ve got things to do. “You ready, Madison?”

I pull her up and start getting her bag out of the compartment overhead. I need to get her off this plane and put a little distance between us. It’s either that or make her mine. Those are my two choices, and the one is too tempting to resist.



I follow behind John and am trying to look anywhere but at him. I’m still trying to recover from that kiss. He seems completely unaffected by it, and I’m trying to follow his lead. We get to the front of the airport, and I’m about to walk outside when he grabs my hand and pulls me toward the rental car booth. “Uh, I was just going to get a cab.”

He stops, and I run into him. There’s frustration on his face. “And what? Were you going to take a cab to meet with the cartel tomorrow?”

I snort. “I’m not meeting with the cartel, geez, John.”

He shakes his head and lowers his voice while leaning down to whisper in my ear. “Yeah, you are. Baron is the son and future leader of the Colombia Cartel. You have arranged a meeting with a man that is on the FBI’s most wanted list.”

I grab on to his arm to steady myself. “I’m meeting with a guy named Baron, but Ethan said it’s just some random guy he bought drugs off of.”

He shakes his head. “Your brother lied to you. He was supposed to sell the drugs for Baron. Instead, he used them all, and Baron wants his money or your brother’s head. Probably both.”

He stares at me, waiting for it all to sink in. I’m a fool. How could I trust my brother again? When John sees my look of shock, his face softens. “Look, I realize you probably didn’t know.”