Even Bear grunts a thanks.
“Five o’clock in my office,” Walker says above the rest of them.
I nod and all but shoot out of the room. I can do this. There’s a part of me that really doesn’t want to do it, but I know I can. I don’t have any plans for where I’m going or what I’m going to do next, but I know I can’t stay here.
I work the rest of the day catching up on things. I usually talk to Samantha and the guys when they come out of the conference room, but today I keep my head down as if whatever I’m working on is the most important thing I’ve ever done.
It’s pretty safe to say a lot of the things I work on are very important and confidential. When I came to work for Walker, I thought I was applying for a manager’s job at the Distillery; at least that’s the ad I answered. I went through three interviews before I was requested to be interviewed at this office. I thought they were being very thorough and didn’t think any more of it.
But then I got here. I had to go through screenings and metal detectors to just get inside the door. I started to realize that this was more than just a management job I was interviewing for.
I lean back in my chair, remembering the first time I met Walker. He met me at the door, and safe to say I’ve never met a man like him before in my life. He looked as if he spent all his time in the gym. However, not two minutes into the interview, I knew he was really smart too by the questions he asked. I discovered that he owns the Whiskey Run Distillery, a few random businesses, apartments, and random empty lots. Along with this place.
This is a big warehouse-type building that on the outside looks almost deserted except for the big fencing and guards outside. It’s on a side road on the expanse of highway between downtown Whiskey Run and Jasper. “Uh, what is this place?” I’d asked him, completely curious.
He tilted his head with a smirk before shoving an NDA form across the desk for me to sign. Basically, it was a piece of paperthat said anything that was said here would be kept to myself. I signed it, and from that point on, my whole life changed.
He then went on to tell me what the Ghost team does here. They’re mercenaries that save people. That’s how he explained it, but now, five years later, I know they do more than just that. Walker owns the company and does most of the recruiting. He very seldom goes on missions except I recall one time when he went to get Bear. After that mission, Bear came to work here. Nash is the commander and runs most of the missions. Dylan is the tech guy, Logan used to be a doctor, Aiden is a pilot, and I could go on. It seems all the guys have a specialty or two.
I guess Walker had already performed a background, criminal, and credit check on me. He knew things about me that some of my closest friends still don’t know. He informed me that the Distillery manager position had been filled but that he had another position he could use me in.
Instantly, my thoughts went south. How could they not when I was sitting in front of the hottest guy I’d ever seen? But obviously, he wasn’t thinking the same thing. Anyway, he gave me an opportunity to be a part of something great, and I jumped on it. He wanted to hire me as his personal assistant, and ever since that day everything has been on the up and up. He’s never once made me feel uncomfortable. He pays me well, way more than he probably should, actually. He’s a good boss, and he respects all the people that work for him. It’s a dream job really. If only I could forget about my attraction to him.
It’s gotten worse through the years, but it was okay because I could work close to him every day. He never had women around, and if he dated, no one ever mentioned it in the office. I had free rein of his house, sometimes even working there. So I was content with it all... at least until Samantha came to work here. Their closeness, her beauty – well, it’s just all too much. I’m miserable, and I can’t do it anymore. So first, I signed up on adating app and have my first date tonight. Second, I’m turning in my notice. I’ll never find a job that gives me anything like I’ve found here, but I don’t have a choice. I have to move on.
This day has gone to shit, and I have a feeling it’s about to get worse. All the guys came in to make reports on the last mission. It went well. They may have had to go to the deserts of Iraq and sleep on the ground for a week, but it was nothing the guys couldn’t handle. They were able to get in, save the diplomat, and then get back on US soil without much or anything being on the news about it.
So there’s at least that. Any time my guys come home safe, it’s a good thing. No, what has me torn up is whatever is going on with Brook. And there’s definitely something. Any other time I walk by her desk she always looks up and smiles at me. Not once today has she even raised her head for me to talk to.
At exactly five o’clock, there’s a knock on my door. I push back from my desk and stand up. “Come in.”
The door opens, but I’m not ready for what I see. It’s Brook. It’s definitely her. My cock was already lengthening in my jeans at the knock. It’s like he knows any time she’s close, but fuck me, she looks different.
Instead of the dress pants she normally wears, she has on jeans that are snug and tight against her curvy hips. Her white V-neck shirt is tucked in with a short jacket over it, and she’sgot some kind of boots with heels on them. “Uh....” I mutter, dumbfounded and for the first time at a loss of words.
She looks at me and then down at herself. She tugs on the short jacket, hugging it around her body. “Uh, sorry for the casual wear. I have a date.”
My tongue thickens, and my throat all but closes up. A date? What the fuck? Before I can keep quiet, I lean on my desk and stare at her across the office. “You have a date?”
She blushes. “Yes.”
I continue to stare, pressing my lips together because if I don’t, I’m going to say things that I definitely shouldn’t be saying. She starts to fidget under my scrutiny. She rolls her eyes at me, takes a deep breath, and pulls her shoulders back. “I know it’s hard to believe, but I’m not completely revolting or anything.”
“I didn’t mean... That’s not what...” I start stuttering. It amazes me that I can run multi-million-dollar companies, I’ve defended this country, I have some of the most elite and badass men working for me... taking orders from me... but I can’t talk to her.
She holds her hand up to stop me. “It’s fine.”
For the first time, I notice the paper in her hand. She walks across the office and lays it on my desk in front of me. I don’t even look. “What is this?” I ask her, pointing at it. I don’t dare pick it up because I’m sure I already know what it is.
She juts her chin at me. “My two-week notice.”
I come around the desk and stand next to her. Every part of me is saying to reach out for her. I physically want to hold on to her and dare her to try and leave me, but I don’t. I stand rigidly, panting and with eyes wide and wild. “You’re not quitting... I’m not letting you leave me.”
Her eyes widen in surprise. I know there’s a possessive tone in my voice. It’s there, and I’m not even trying to hide it. She’smine, and I’m not going to just let her go. For five damn years, I’ve fought this attraction to her. There are so many reasons why we’re a bad idea. She’s the sunshine and light around here; no matter what, she makes me smile and see the good in the world. I’m the exact opposite. I’ve seen the absolute worst that life can throw at you. I’ve killed in order not to be killed, I’ve done bad, horrible things, and because of that, I have enemies. Enemies that will want me and anyone close to me dead. I can’t do that to her. But I also can’t let her go.