Page 16 of Whiskey Run Heroes

“Look, honey, I know you’ve been through hell. If I could have traded you places, I would have in a heartbeat. But can you give me tonight? Just let me hold you, and I’ll explain everything in the morning.”

She scoots in closer to me, her hip pressed against my hard dick. I don’t even try to move away. I’ll sleep like this all night if she’ll let me. I’ll have blue balls by morning, but it will all be worth it to have her in my arms.

She leans her forehead on my chest again. “I’m pretty sure Sam is not going to be happy about you and me in the same bed together.”

“Sam? Why would she care?”

She whispers softly, “Aren’t the two of you dating... or together or whatever?”

“Me and Sam?” I ask her incredulously. “We’ve never dated. Why would you think that?”

She shrugs. “I don’t know. You guys are close... and had dinners and were out late together.”

“You were jealous!” I say, a warm feeling spreading through my body. Fuck, how could she not know how I feel about her? Everyone that is around us for any time at all knows how I feel about her. Sam knew just after hearing me talk about Brook.

“I was not. But I also don’t want her mad at me... or you.”

I cup her nape and press my lips to the top of her head. “There’s nothing going on between Sam and me. We’ve been through a lot together, but we’ve never been together. We’re friends.”


“Plus, I’m pretty sure Bear would kill me.”

“Bear! He never dates. Heck, I don’t even think he likes women.”

I chuckle. “Surely you didn’t think Bear was gay?”

“No, I don’t mean that. I just mean, he never talks, shows emotion, nothing. I’m just surprised is all.”

I yawn because I can’t hold it back anymore. “So we’re good. I can trust you to stay in bed all night.”

She nods, and I pull her to me. Her body is flush against mine, and every curve fits to me perfectly. It’s like we’re made for each other. If I hadn’t been to hell tonight, I’m pretty sure I’d think I was in heaven.



I’m trapped.

Hands are wrapped around my ankles and my wrists and I’m being held to the ground. I can taste the dirt in my mouth and feel the gravel digging into my exposed skin. I fight as hard as I can, but nothing I do sets me free.

I’m a prisoner, and I know it’s about to get worse.

The man with the beard that is sweaty and smells of stale cigarettes is in my face, staring at me with his gray, beady eyes. He doesn’t care about a ransom or any codes. He’s a bad man, and he wants to do bad things to me.

When he reaches for me, his hands going to my waist, I start to buck against him and scream for help as loud as I can.

“Brook, baby, it’s okay. You’re okay. I’ve got you.”

I open my eyes, and I’m crushed against Walker’s chest. He’s holding on to me, his hands stroking up and down my back. I’m a mess. The hot tears are rolling down my face, and I stutter, trying to catch my breath.

Over and over, Walker says my name, his voice soft and calm in my ear. I can feel his heart racing underneath my cheek, but it’s a pleasing feeling, reminding me that I’m here and I’m alive. Things could have been so different.

“Talk to me. Tell me about the nightmare,” he says, kissing my forehead.

I clench my eyes shut. I don’t want to go back there. I can’t.

“No. Please, Walker. Talk to me about something else. Anything else. I don’t want to even think about it.”