Page 11 of Whiskey Run Heroes

She laughs. “There’s no need. Baker can handle it. Just take care of my sister.”

“With my life,” I tell her before handing the phone over to Brook.

They talk a few more minutes, and she tells her she loves her before hanging up. I pocket my phone and hold Brook tightly the rest of the way down. As soon as we get to the warehouse, I put her in the front seat of my SUV and take her to my house. It’s a short drive, but I take it slow. My hands are itching to have Brook in my arms again, but there are so many questions and so many things we need to talk about first.

I pull into my driveway and hit the garage door opener on my visor. I pull in and close the door before shutting off the SUV. I’m out and around to the passenger side before she opens her door. I crowd her, stopping her from getting out. I slide one hand under her and the other behind her.

She holds her hand up. “I can walk, Walker. At least I think I can, if you’ll just let me try.”

I move my face in front of hers, searching her eyes. “I can carry you. I want to carry you.”

She shakes her head. “I need to walk.” She sighs and mutters, “Please.”

I step back and hold my hands out to catch her in case she needs me. She winces when her feet touch the ground, but she sucks in a breath and straightens her spine. She grabs on to my arm. “I’m fine.” But her grip tightens, and I walk her gingerly into the house.

I disarm alarms, open doors, turn on lights, and she stops at the living room. “Do you want to do this at the table?”

I look at the kitchen table and want to kick myself at the thoughts in my head. No matter how badly I want her or how long I’ve waited for her, I can’t think about that now. “Do what?” I ask her, clearing my throat.


I put my hands on her shoulders. “Is that why you thought I brought you here? To debrief you?” She nods, and I shake my head. “I brought you here to make sure you’re all right and tokeep you safe. I don’t need to know anything else tonight but that.”

“Those men...”

“Won’t get far. The guys and Sam won’t let them. Those men and whatever they’re after is the least of my worries. All I care about is you, Brook.”

Shock. That’s the only way I can describe her face. She puts her hand to her head. “I think I need to lie down.”

Without asking, I pick her up and carry her down the hall. I take her straight to my room and into the master bathroom. I set her down on the toilet and then go back to turn on the light. “I’ll be right back. Don’t move.”

I grab a T-shirt out of the drawer and walk back into the bathroom. She’s still sitting, but her head is resting on the counter. My phone rings, and I answer it. “Hello.”

“Bear said for me to come check on Brook.”

“Use your code and come in. I’m going to give her a quick shower. Wait in the living room.”

Brook looks up at me when I hang up. “Did I just hear you say you’re going to give me a quick shower?”

I nod as I turn on the nozzle in the shower and hold my hand under it to test the water. As soon as it gets warm, I kick off my shoes and undress down to my underwear. She’s staring at me, her mouth hanging open.Be professional. She’s been through hell, Walker. Don’t fuck this up.I keep saying it over and over, trying to convince myself I can do it.

She stands up. “Walker, I can’t... you can’t see me... like that.”

I gently tilt her chin up and look at her, searching her eyes. “Please let me do this, baby. I need to know you’re okay, and I know you want the filth off you. Let me do this.”

She bites on to her lower lip and nods.

I don’t wait for her to change her mind. I help her take off her clothes until all she has left is her bra and panties. Her faceis flushed, and I’m doing everything I possibly can to ignore the way her nipples are puckered against her bra and the soft curves of her waist and thighs. Her hands are gripping my forearms, and she stops me from walking into the shower. “Walker.”

I turn back to her. “This is so embarrassing, but is it okay if I take these off? I need to be able to put them on again, and I don’t want them wet. I know Logan’s going to need to check my ribs, and I don’t want him to see... you know.”

I gulp and lose all train of thought.Don’t look, don’t look,I tell myself.

She reaches behind to unsnap her bra, wincing from the movement. I stop her and turn her around. I help her undo the bra and then help her step out of her panties. Her ass is right next to my face, and right now, I want nothing more than to put my lips to her skin and taste her. I jerk up, standing next to her. I’m panting as if I’ve ran a race as I help her into the shower. I follow her in, knowing I can’t just leave her on her own.

Her back is to me, and I reach for the shampoo. “I’m sorry. I only have men’s shampoo and conditioner.”

Her voice is husky. “It’s okay. I don’t care, Walker. I just need to be clean.”