“What? If you want to risk it, that’s on you.”
I shake my head, and then rip the envelope open. Slowly, I pull the contents out… and feel sick. There’s a note from my father. I’d recognize his handwriting anywhere, but the asshole also used his monogrammed paper, and signed itDad. That’s just adding insult to injury.
I hope you enjoy these photos. I’d hate to see them plastered all over the news. I expect to see your request for a trade tomorrow. Don’t test me.
I don’t move, and I can’t breathe as I stare at the black-and-white photo of June and Ryan sharing an intimate moment right after her accident. There’s no denying they’re romantically involved. I suppose the other images follow the same theme.
“Jake, what is it?” June asks.
Ryan walks over and blurts out, “What the flying fuck.”
He takes the photo stack from my hands and goes through them quickly. I move away, hating that I put June and my best friends in this situation. My father warned me he’d come for my family.
“Let me see those.” Lachy takes the photos from Ryan, and he and June go through them together.
“Oh my God. These were taken when we went to the farmer’s market,” June points out.
“My father must have hired a PI to follow you.” I turn to them. “I’m so fucking sorry.”
“The man following me...” June starts. “I bet he was the PI.”
I narrow my eyes. This whole time we thought the guy with the camera outside June’s school was a paparazzo. I should have known better. “I’m going to kill my father.”
June widens her eyes, then comes closer. “Don’t talk like that.”
“He’s the reason you got into that crash. You could have gotten seriously hurt, or worse.”
“But I didn’t. And the best revenge is him knowing his efforts were for nothing. He can’t blackmail you with those pictures anymore.”
Slowly, the red haze fades. I’ll never forgive my father for what he has done, but knowing he can’t win helps alleviate the blind fury coursing through my veins. “You’re right. He can’t.”
“We’ll talk to Melissa tomorrow,” Ryan chimes in. “The sooner we announce June is our girlfriend, the better.”
“Balls,” Lachy blurts out. “I just texted her. Should I have waited?” His phone rings, and his eyes bug out. “She’s calling.”
“Well, what are you waiting for? Answer, you doofus,” Ryan replies, sounding exasperated.
“I’ll put the call on speaker. Hey Mel?—”
“Are you fucking kidding me?” she cuts him off.
We definitely should have waited.
Iwake up on the boys’ couch with my head resting on Lachy’s lap. The last thing I remember before falling asleep is watching aStar Warsmovie; I can’t remember which one, but it was definitely an oldie with Harrison Ford. Jake is sleeping on the other side of the L-shaped couch, and Ryan is on the floor. He made a bed out of pillows.
After the conversation with Melissa, they got drunk, and we never made it to any bed. She wasnota happy camper about our decision to go public so soon after Jake’s arrest. She just got the Titans’ administration to calm down. But with the looming threat of Jake’s father and Maya thinking the worst about Lachy and me, delaying it won’t do us any favors.
I get up and look at the time. It’s not six yet. I wish I didn’t have to work today. Even though I didn’t get hammered like the boys did last night, I might have had one too many drinks, and I’m feeling it. I get up and wince. My head is pounding. It’s going to be a brutal day.
“June? What time is it?” Lachy asks groggily.
“It’s early. Go back to sleep.”
“Come back here.”