She looks around with a panicked expression. “Oh, there it is. Phew. I thought I lost it.”

I watch her run to the couch and bend over to get her purse from the floor. It was tucked into the couch’s corner. I realize it isn’t a purse but a large slouch bag. If she’d come into the arena as a regular fan, she wouldn’t have been allowed that big of a bag.

“Let me check that my wallet and phone are still here.” She sticks her arm into the bag and makes a cute face while looking for those items.

Something drops from her purse—a book. Lachy is closer and bends over to pick it up. “Lost Horizon? What’s this about?”

June’s face turns bright pink. “Katrina gave it to me the other day.”

“Is it a smutty book?” Ryan arches a brow.

I’m guessing as much by June’s reaction.

“No... I mean, I don’t know. I just started reading it.”

Lachy turns the book over and reads the blurb. After a moment, he grins. “It’s a space fantasy retelling ofTheWizard of Oz, and Dorothy gets with the Tin Man, the Cowardly Lion, and the Scarecrow. Itisa smutty book.”

She snatches the book from Lachy. “Katrina said it’s slow burn. And the plot is super interesting too.”

Ryan laughs. “If you say so, Peaches.”

Lachy and Ryan are getting too friendly with June. It’s easy to forget our arrangement isn’t for the public eye.

I clear my throat. “We should get moving. I don’t want to arrive in San Diego too late.”

My reminder of the trip wipes the amusement from Ryan’s face, making me guilty as hell. I can’t begin to imagine how hard this will be for him. I need to do better.



It sucks balls to be around June and not be able to hug or kiss her because we’re in public. I don’t resent Jake for volunteering to be her official boyfriend. I’m angry at myself for not doing it first. I’m extra surly tonight, thanks to the game. I can’t believe I let those three pucks go through me.

Jake wanted to drive to San Diego so people wouldn’t question June’s presence. She’s riding shotgun, and Ryan is in the back seat with me.

I open the bottle of whiskey I brought and ask, “Who wants as shot?”

“Do you seriously have an open bottle in the car?” Jake grumbles.

“What? I’m not driving.”

“I want a shot!” June raises her hand.

“Are you sure?” Jake peels his eyes off the road for a second to look at her.

“One shot won’t kill her, Jakey,” Ryan pipes up, then turns to me. “Hit me.”

June is already buzzed, so I give her only a little bit, but I fill my and Ryan’s cups to the brim. After everyone has their drink, I say, “Slàinte mhath!”

“Slanj-a-va!” Ryan tosses his head back and drinks the whole thing in one go.

June takes a tentative sip first and wrinkles her nose. “Phew. This is strong.”

“The best whiskeys in the world are, lass.”

“You don’t need to drink it,” Jake tells her.

She narrows her eyes and, without a word, she tosses hers back too, making me laugh.