Just then, the cell door opens. I tense, wondering which of the brothers it would be this time. Owen steps inside, eyes surveying me with an unreadable expression.
"Time for the next test," he announces, his voice neutral. "Are you ready?"
I eye him warily, pushing myself to my feet. He’s usually more talkative. I wonder if something’s happened. Once again, I shake the thoughts away, "Do I have a choice?"
A small smirk tugs at Owen's lips. "Not really, no, but your attitude will determine how difficult this one is."
Taking a deep breath, squaring my shoulders, "Fine. What fresh hell do you have planned this time?"
Owen's eyes glint with amusement. "Oh, you'll see soon enough. This one is... special." He produces a blindfold from his pocket. I tense, taking an instinctive step back.
"Is that really necessary?" I ask, hating how uncertain my voice sounds but I know that it isn’t going to help me. He raises an eyebrow, silently giving me my answer as I slump my shoulders, letting him step forward, and put the blindfold on me.
I tense as Owen secures the blindfold over my eyes, plunging me into darkness. His fingers linger for a moment at the nape of my neck, sending an involuntary shiver down my spine. I can hear Owen's steady breathing, smell his faint cologne.
"There we go," he murmurs, his breath warm against my ear. "Now, let's get you to the testing area." He takes my arm, guiding me out of the cell. I stumble slightly as we move, disoriented without my sight. Owen's grip tightens, steadying me.
"Careful now," he says, a hint of amusement in his voice. "We wouldn't want you to get hurt before the test even begins."
I bit back a retort, focusing instead on trying to map our route in my head. Left turn, straight for about twenty paces,right turn... But it’s useless. The twists and turns quickly became disorienting. After what feels like several minutes of walking, we come to a stop.
"We're here," Owen announces, breath coming from beside my ear, “I am going to open the door then I’m going to lead you to a seat…don’t try anything.” I stay still hearing a door open, then a hand on my arm, guiding me forward until I feel my knees hit a chair. Hands-on my shoulders gently push me to sit down. I do so, shifting slightly in the chair and hearing the creaking of wood under me. I can hear the sniffs of crying from the other girls around me.
I tense when I feel something ruff go around my torso. Wanting to jump up and run, but instead stay still as Owen chuckles, “Behave. I have to tie you up, don’t move.” I stay still as I’m being tied up by Owen. Anxiety fills me as I try not to squirm in my seat.
“Don’t even try it.” I jump hearing Elijah’s voice now. I don’t know who else is here around us, but I feel whatever’s tying me to the chair tighten before my blindfold comes off. I blink rapidly, letting my eyes adjust to the dim lighting.
Taking a deep breath, I keep trying to move from where I’m tied to the chair. I can tell this test is going to be something big as I look at Amy, over to Jennifer and then to Cami. We’re all in similar positions. Each of them has someone different behind them, like they’re there to guard them. I know better than that. There’s unease swelling in my stomach as I look around the room.
The room’s mostly empty. It has chairs for each of us and one long table stretched out in front of the chairs about fifteen feet away. What really grabs my attention are the straps on the table. I can feel the color slowly drain from my face as I glance over to Elijah who’s been watching my every move. He gives me a small smirk before breaking eye contact with him and returningto survey the room. The only other things in the room are a counter, sink, and tools of all kinds hanging on the wall.
What’s happening is all I silently keep wondering, my muscles tensing. I know today is going to be a big test, because of Elijah’s words ringing in my head from yesterday
“Now that everyone is almost here… let's go over what’s going to happen.” Elijah says with eyes cold as he looks over everyone. His smile is dark as he slowly looks at each one of us.
“You are going to sit here, and you are going to watch this. You can’t look away. I will also recommend that you try not to get sick. None of us want to clean up the mess.” Elijah looks to the door and then the screaming starts.
It’s Amber. She’s being dragged in, and I can see her fighting, but it’s not phasing Owen or Jasper, who’s bringing her in. It’s easy to see that Jasper’s far from happy with the way he’s sneering down at the pink haired girl.
“Since she kindly volunteered herself yesterday after trying to escape,” he pauses, his green eyes looking into my own as a cruel smirk spreads over his lips, “She will show you what may become of you if you try the same thing.”
I can feel my heart racing as I watch Amber being strapped down to the table. Her screams are echoing through the room. The other girls are whimpering and crying, but I’m forcing myself to remain outwardly calm, even as dread pools in my stomach.
Elijah's eyes meet mine again, and his cruel smirk’s still playing on his lips. "Pay close attention, ladies. This is what happens to those who disobey."
Jasper steps forward, a wicked gleam in his eyes as he picks up a small saw from the nearby tray of instruments. My breath catches in my throat as he approaches Amber, who’s still strapped down while thrashing and screaming on the table.
"Let me go, you fucking psychos!" Her screams are full of terror, filling her voice as she tries to fight harder to break free from the restraints, "I'll kill all of you!"
Jasper backhands her hard across the face. "Shut up," he snarls, eyes wild, “Or I’ll cut out your tongue first.” A shiver of fear goes down my spine at this. I haven’t seen any of them like this, which sends a new wave of fear spreading through my bod
Amber falls silent, a red mark blooming on her cheek. Tears are streaming down her face as her eyes dart frantically around the room, landing on each of us tied to our chairs. "Help me!" she pleaded. "Please, don't just sit there!"
Averting my eyes, I’m unable to look at the desperation written on her face. What can we do? We’re all restrained, helpless to stop whatever’s about to happen. Glancing at the other girls; Jennifer’s quietly sobbing, her body shaking. Cami has gone deathly pale, her eyes huge behind her glasses. Amy’s biting her lip so hard I can see blood.
"Please, no! I'm sorry, I won't try to escape again! Please don't do this!" Amber begs, her voice hoarse from screaming. I know whatever she has to say isn’t going to help. I’m keeping my gaze down, not wanting to see but Elijah comes up behind me, grabs me behind the head and makes me look forward. Not letting me escape the sight.
I tried to jerk my head away but Elijah's grip was firm, forcing me to watch as Jasper approached Amber with the saw.