Iwake with a groan, my head throbbing and my body aching. As I blink my eyes open, I find myself back in my cell, laying on the thin blanket on the floor. Confusion washes over me as I try to piece together what happened. The last thing I remember clearly is showering after Elijah treated my head wound. Everything after that’s a hazy blur.
Sitting up slowly, wincing as my muscles protest. Blinking, I notice I’m dressed in clean clothes - a simple t-shirt and a pair of shorts. But how had I gotten back here? And why can't I remember? I don’t remember taking a shower or anything. As I shift, a sharp pain shot through my shoulder. Frowning, I pull aside the collar of my shirt to find a fresh bite mark, angry and red against my pale skin.
“What the fuck?” I mutter, looking at the bite mark. I have no recollection on how this got here. I still had the bite mark fromJasper…but this one is new. Before I get to think about it more, the door opens and in walks Elijah.
“Awake finally I see. How was your nap?” He shut the door behind him, a grin on his face as I push myself to stand up. I don’t like when they look down at me. I would rather be standing in case I need to move too.
“Fine?” I answer slowly, a frown on my face. I’m a bit lost but I put the thoughts at the back of my mind. I could think about it again when I’m alone.
“No nausea or anything? You had a reaction to the anesthesia I gave you.” Elijah tells me as a look comes to his eyes, I frown but don’t like how he said reaction.
“Nothing bad happened but you took a nap. I let you sleep it off.” He tells me and a red flag pops up in my head in warning. I’m not sure why but I’ll hold onto it for later. I must revisit it.
“Okay…,” I mutter lowly, not saying anything else as I’m unsure of what else to say to this man. He is giving me a look that’s making me wonder what might have happened.
I watch as Elijah moves his hand to my head, pushing the hair out of the way, “The stitches are looking good. Try not to let any of the other girls get that close again.”
I glare at him, my lips curling at the ends in a mocking smile, “Yes, I’m going to let one of them take another vase to my head.”
Elijah laughs, and it sends shivers down my spine as I blink at him. He brushes my hair out of my face once again, making me tilt my head to the side. I can see he wants to ask me something but is holding back. I wonder why, so far none of these guys have held back talking to me.
“Is there something wrong?” I ask, curiosity getting the best of me. Green eyes look down at me as he shakes his head, letting his hand fall to his side.
“No, nothing. Is the pain manageable or do you want something to dull it?” He inquires, looking me over, his eyeslanding on where the bite mark is before going back to my face. I narrow my eyes but keep my silence about it.
“No thanks, I rather not take anything again…my head is a bit fuzzy, but I will survive,” I tell him. I shift back so I can be a few feet away from him. I’m biting my lip trying to keep my questions at bay. I want to ask so many things, but is it a good idea? Could I possibly anger him?
“Darling, I can hear the questions in your head from here. Go ahead and ask.” There’s amusement in his voice as he looks at me with a raised eyebrow, crossing his arms over his chest.
I hesitate, weighing my words carefully. There are so many things I want to ask, but I don't want to push either. Finally, I decide to start with something relatively safe.
"How long was I asleep?" I ask, watching his face closely for any reaction.
Elijah's lips curve into a small smirk. "About four hours. The anesthesia hit you harder than expected. I had thought you would only be out an hour or so…."
I frown, still feeling like I’m missing pieces. "And nothing happened while I was out? Just...sleeping?"
His eyes flash with something I can't quite read before his expression smoothes out. "Nothing you need to concern yourself with, darling. You're safe and unharmed."
The evasive answer makes my skin prickle with unease. I decide to push a little further. "Then how did I get this?" I ask, gesturing to the fresh mark on my skin.
Elijah's eyes darken as they focus on the bite mark. "Ah, that. A little...side effect of the anesthesia. You became quite...amorous in your drugged state. I'm afraid I got a bit carried away."
He saw my look shift before he started again, “I gave you a bit of a love bite. I couldn't resist.”
I stare at him in disbelief and growing horror, “What else did you do?” I don’t know if I fully want to know but at the same time I need to know.
"Now, now, darling. Don't jump to conclusions," Elijah says, his tone placating. "I didn’t bed you if that is what you’re wondering. I may have gotten a taste of you…but I did nothing but that.”
I lick my lips at his words, a shiver when he said taste. I feel numb, I’m trying to get‘what could have happened’out of my head.
“So, you didn’t….” I trail off, still not liking that he went that far without my consent. He’d drugged me and I don’t think I would have let him touch me otherwise…. or at least I don’t think I would have.
“I didn’t fuck you if that’s what you are getting at,” Elijah tells be flatly, making me flush at his crass choice of words. I hadn’t expected it to come out of his mouth, he usually spoke so properly.
I was silent for a second, “…good,” I mutter, eyes burning with anger. I don’t like that it happened, I feel violated. I also could tell from the look on his face, that whatever I said could be warped.
I’m silent for a long moment, trying to process everything Elijah’s just told me. My mind races, cycling through anger, fear, and confusion. Finally, I take a deep breath and meet his gaze.