Page 20 of Eat Me

When I open them again, I see that the other girls have resumed their fruitless attempts at escaping. Jennifer and Cami are still examining the large machine, whispering to each other as they poked at various parts. Amy has joined Amber at thewindows, though she seems more hesitant in her efforts to pry the boards loose.

I let my gaze wander around the room, taking in details I’d missed before in all the chaos. There are strange symbols carved into some of the vines climbing the walls. The furniture that’s scattered around the room seems deliberately placed, creating paths and obstacles. That machine in the corner, it almost looks like some kind of old-fashioned printing press, but with modifications I can't quite make sense of.

Everything in this room feels intentional. A test within a test, perhaps? I mentally file away these observations, knowing they could be important later. I studied the machine more closely, trying to make sense of its purpose. It’s cylindrical in shape, with various dials and gauges on the front panel. Tubes and wires snaked out from the back, disappearing into the wall behind it. The more I looked at it, the more it reminded me of something I'd seen before...

My eyes widened as realization strikes. It looks like an industrial-size decompression chamber, similar to the ones used for deep sea diving. But what would something like that be doing here?

A chill runs down my spine as my mind races through possibilities, none of them good. I glance at the other girls, still absorbed in their escape attempts. Should I tell them what I've figured out? Or would that just cause more panic?

Before I could decide, the sound of splintering wood makes me snap my head around. Amber has managed to partially pry one of the boards loose from a window. She let out a triumphant yell.

"See! I told you we could do it!" She crows, redoubling her efforts. I can hear the victory in her voice as she laughs.

I tense, waiting for the inevitable consequences of her actions. There’s no way someone didn’t hear that noise…or was watching our movements. I have to wonder how many horror movies Ihad seen this on. The feeling of dread comes back and knew that this isn’t going to end well for her. There could be a chance no one would end up dead…but I knew that’s just wishful thinking.

Watching with a grin she turns to me, “See. An escape is possible.” I shake my head at this. She seems so sure of being able to get away. She looks to the other girls, her grin growing even bigger.

“Come on now. We better go before they come back. This is our chance.” I can see the others shift uncomfortably, before looking back to one another.

“I don’t think it’s a good idea. What if Victoria is right and the moment we step out there, they kill us?” Cami asks, wrapping her arms around herself to try to give herself some kind of comfort.

“I think we’ll stay.” Jennifer speaks up next, hesitation clear in her voice. At least they’re thinking for themselves. Amy, who’s next to Amber, gives a small nod, agreeing with Jennifer.

“I want to go…but what if Victoria is right….” Amy says softly, her arms already wrapped around herself as if she’s trying to hold herself together.

“Fine.” Amber snaps, before she turns on her heel and carefully makes her escape. I know this isn’t going to end well.

Chapter Seventeen


“Let me go you fucking asshole!” I look to the door and see Amber being dragged back in. I held back a sigh of annoyance. I’m still sitting on the floor and don’t have the energy to get up. I’ve probably lost a little too much blood and feel like I have a concussion. The black spots are mostly gone but there’s one in my left eye still lingering.

“The test is over. One of you escaped…meaning we know who will be helping us with the next test.” Elijah speaks up as he sets Amber down who stumbles and then lands on the ground with a hard thud. I raise an eyebrow at his words. Trying to figure out what ‘helping’ with the next test could be. I had a feeling it isn’t a good thing though.

“Take them all back to their rooms.” Elijah’s eyes look around to see the three girls huddling together, his lips turning into a cold smile, “They can sit in the dark for now till the next test. Give them time to think.”

I’m still in my spot sitting down, not bothering to move as his green eyes zone in on me. I can see his cold look soften slightly before he looks over to Marcus.

“Brief the others after they’re all in their respective rooms.” The two seem to have a secret conversation before Marcus gives me a brief look. He looks me over then sighs before going to Cami and putting her arms behind her back, forcing them together, and putting a blindfold over her eyes.

They hadn’t tied me up when bringing me here, I wonder why that is. This thought makes my frown depend as I see each girl get the same treatment, Amber gets the roughest one out of all of them.

“How are you feeling darling?” Elijah’s voice breaking me out of my thoughts, as he walks towards me. I blink up at him, giving a small grimace.

“How do you think?” I mutter softly. I’m too tired to filter my thoughts at this point. I’m starting to feel nauseous and know that isn’t a good sign.

“Manners.” Elijah’s voice cuts in as he crouches down so he’s eye to-eye with me. I can feel the intensity of his green eyes as he reaches out, brushing some of my hair out of the way to inspect the injury on my head. I sucked in a sharp breath, holding back a groan of pain.

“Really…manners at a time like this?” I ask, my tone exasperated. My filter is definitely off now, but I don’t care. Manners….why should I have manners when he was one of my kidnappers?

“No matter the situation…you can have some manners and respect. Though sometimes situations call for a firm hand.” His voice trails off as he gives me a look of amusement.

“Whatever you say.” I huff out, not wanting to get into an argument about manners at this point in time. I’m in pain and would really like to sleep right now.

“We shall see how long you keep saying that.” Elijah chuckles, letting his hand fall away from my face, “And your injury isn’t too bad. It has slowed down on the bleeding. We may have to give you a couple stitches…”

“Stitches?” I interrupt. ‘He’sgoing to give them to me? Or is there a doctor here?’ Thoughts swim through my head, but before I can ask a question Elijah speaks up.