Page 2 of Eat Me

“Good.” Devin grumbles as he finishes counting, putting the money back in the bag and zipping it up. “Everything looks good. Go home and sleep.” I laugh and wave at him as I leave the room.

I quickly make my way to gather my bag and put my coat on as it’s still a little chilly outside. I said my goodbyes to the other staff before stepping out into the crisp night air. It’s only the end of September, but it seems like Fall weather is starting already. As long as we don’t get snow before Halloween, I’ll be happy.

“Alright…home, sleep, and then in the morning I can get things done.” I mutter to myself, bringing my coat closer to me as I feel a shiver travel up my spine. Glancing around, I don’t see anyone. Frowning, I quickly make my way down the street. I don’t have a car, so walking is my only choice.

I am so glad the town I live in isn’t huge, because my small apartment is only a ten minute walk from the bar. The entire way I could feel eyes on me. I swear someone is or at least was watching me.

Chapter Two


Ido end up sleeping longer than I thought I actually would. I am pretty sure my body was against me on waking up early. It took me four tries to finally roll out of bed and get ready for the day. Mumbling to myself, “It’s still too early” is the only part I’m positive made any sense.

Brushing my waist length black hair, I gather it up and put it in a ponytail, allowing my long bangs to stay free in order to frame the left side of my face. Forgoing any makeup for today, I put on some Chapstick to help protect my lips from chapping.

Giving myself a once over in the mirror, I still think I’m too delicate looking. My electric blue eyes have always grabbed people’s attention. Walking over to my small side table, I grab my purse and light jacket. Walking to my door and opening it, I make sure it’s not only closed, but locked. I don’t take chances with my safety.

Today is going to be a quick day out, grab some groceries and pay my rent. I have to get a money order and then drop my rent off at the office before dinner tonight. Other than that, I don't plan on doing too much. I am still exhausted, even after sleeping for ten hours. I thought I would be well rested after sleeping that long, but no. I feel just as tired as when I went to bed last night.

“Day by day,” is something I tell myself at some point every day. Glancing around at the people walking the streets and beyond them I see a calm and serene forest. This small Virginia town is surrounded by beauty, nothing like the busy city I grew up in.

Ending up here wasn’t a part of my plans, but about four years ago the car I was driving broke down, and I never left. I adore the small town vibe and I love going out in nature just to relax. I don’t get to enjoy nature as often as I want, but I enjoy it immensely when I do.

Smiling to myself, I shake off the thoughts of my past and instead decide to try to keep things on track. I have things I need to get done today. I don’t need my mind drifting to things of the past. It never fails that letting my mind wander back to those days will cause me to spiral out of control and I have no time for that.

Securing the money order in my purse, I decide to slowly browse the aisles of the supermarket. The lighting is dim, despite the many lights overhead. The squeak of the cart’s wheels ring out over the eighties music that drifts from the overhead. It’s a catchy tune and I catch myself nodding my head lightly to the beat. It’s not like there are tons of other shoppers in the store.

It’s eleven in the morning, so it’s too late for the breakfast rush and a bit too early for the lunch rush. Having worked in this very store off and on for the past two and a half years I know the ebb and flow of the crowd. I would probably still be working part-time if not for the new yuppy manager. The guy is an absolute dick, an outsourced manager from a busier store location in the big cities. He thinks everyone that lives in this small podunk town is a hick and isn't shy about it. Leaving that job and finding another one is one of the best decisions I’ve made. I didn’t want to taint my perfect record with an assault charge.

Mentally rolling my eyes at the thought of the asshole, I decide to glance at the meat section. I have a bit more money than I expected this week, mostly due to extra tips. Maybe I’ll splurge and get myself a steak. It has been so long since I’ve had a really good steak. Barely making ends meet is hard. I normally have to live off chicken and pork. They’re the cheapest meats and I don’t feel like eating pork chops for the fourth time this week.

Choice made, I steer my cart towards the beef section. I make sure to park my cart to the side of the aisle, as I don’t want to block anyone trying to get by. I keep it close to me in order to watch my purse. If my purse was to disappear, my money would also disappear, and I’d rather not add homelessness to my ever-growing list of experiences.

Glancing at the various cuts and names I begin to lightly chew on my lip, what do I want? Okay, I need to look at this from the point of affordability, like what can I afford? There’s no way I can go for porterhouse steak, no matter how much I long for it, but I don’t want round steak. I mean, meat is meat, but if I'm going to treat myself, I might as well go for a bit better than bottom tier.

“Something in the middle, hmm...” I mumbled to myself, trying not to get too close to the man across from me a few feet off to my left. He stood, a small smirk on his lips as he watched me before moving to approach me, I felt dread well up in me.

This was my day off, I did not want to have to deal with having an awkward fake conversation where I would no doubt have to agree to their suggestion and then scuttle away with it. Then waituntil they left to put it back and then get what I wanted. It was a long tiresome process that I could easily avoid if he just took the hint and kept moving.

I just wanted some steak!

“Care for a suggestion?” All I really want to do is scream, but I force a smile as I look up at him. I was not prepared for the dark green eyes that met mine. Nor the amused glint in them and the small playful smirk tossed my way. Swallowing, I try to save face and pretend I wasn't checking him out.

“I guess, two heads are better than one, right?” Oh my god, that is such a lame joke. Please God, don’t give me a pity laugh. As if on cue he gives a short bark of laughter before pointing at the strip steaks, a smile on his face.

“I recommend the strip steak. Sure, it’s not as good as the top sirloin but it’s still better than the bottom. It's cheaper than the New York strip too. A good value for your dollar, pair it with a nice red wine and you’ll have a ribeye-worthy meal.”

Blinking, I’m a bit taken aback by his suggestion. What is he, a meat connoisseur? I guess my question is written all over my face as he shakes his head and rubs the back of his head.

“Ah, sorry. I come from a long line of butchers,so when I see someone browsing the meat section, I can’t help but want to offer my opinion. Even if it’s unwanted.”

My face flushes, but I shake my head as I pick up a pre-wrapped streak.

“Oh no, it’s fine. I’m just surprised by how much knowledge you have of steaks and that explains it!” So, if a butcher recommends it, I can’t help but to take his advice. I put the package in my cart and turn my back to him with a small smile on my lips. This time I'm going to actually take the suggestion instead of just pretending to.

“Thanks. Well I guess I have to go pick out a wine to go with this. I guess I’ll see you around.” He nods, a smile on his lips as he turns to walk down the aisle.

Continuing my way down the opposite way he’s gone, I pause by the ice cream section and grab a few single-serve goodies that are calling my name. Desserts acquired, I move on to the small but packed alcohol nook of the store. It’s one of the only good things that grumpy manager changed, and he made damn sure we were able to sell liquor. Sure, it was odd ringing up a pint of vodka along with a lunchable but hey, it saves me a trip to another store.