Whatever the answer, it was clear a fascinatingly complex and passionate man lay beneath the veneer of relaxed charm and devil-may-care confidence. A man she needed to get to know better.
Surely if she could understand him, it would enhance the time they spent together over the next year. It would also help to ease him into the role of consort, and help her better manage the charade they were forced to play, which was clearly going to be more difficult for both of them than either one of them had assumed.
That said, she also knew she needed to be careful. Because while Travis Lord presented an intriguing emotional puzzle, he also had an aura about him—a latent, potent, sexual energy—which she found disturbingly attractive.
How could she be sure she wouldn’t freak out again, and make matters even more difficult between them? Or worse, give in to this chemistry only to become overwhelmed by feelings he had made it clear would not be reciprocated?
She yawned as the young steward popped his head around the lounge’s doorway.
‘Would you like me to serve lunch now, Your Majesty?’ he asked. Then peered around the lounge area. ‘Is Mr Lord in the restroom?’
Isabelle found her cheeks burning again. How did she explain Travis had repaired to his bedroom, without her? Would the young man think it odd? Given that they were newly-weds? And what if he had heard their argument? Of course, she had to trust Travis’s staff, like her own, knew how to be discreet. But it would be necessary over the next ten days to learn how to create the illusion of intimacy for a wider audience—and contain any more emotional outbursts.
‘Um... No,’ she murmured. ‘Thank you. I think we’re good for now.’
She frowned. Having spent her whole life knowing exactly what to say at any given time or do in any given circumstance, she had no idea what was the done thing in an intimate relationship with a man, let alone a marriage.
Apparently, if she was going to teach Travis how to assume the responsibilities of royalty over the next ten days, they would have to teach each other how to look like a couple in love. Even though it was obvious he had no more aptitude for that than she did.
As she made her excuses to the steward and headed to theotherbedroom at the back of the plane, it occurred to her the tangled web she was currently weaving might very well end up strangling her... Especially given that the fascinating man she’d chosen to weave it with had also proved to be impulsive, headstrong, dominating, far too hot and completely unpredictable.
ISABELLE’SBREATHCAUGHTwhen she glimpsed the huge steel and glass house as the helicopter flew over the forested gorge, before landing on a heliport on the far side of the ridge.
The vivid blue sky cast a clean, clear light over the Rocky Mountain range as far as the eye could see, spanning a staggering three thousand miles—south to New Mexico and north all the way to British Columbia. While the rock formations lacked the dramatic peaks and sharp descents of Androvia’s younger Alpine range, there was something about the rugged, breathtaking terrain that made the land here seem wilder and more untamed.
Isabelle wrapped the thick down coat that she’d donned when they’d landed in Denver International around herself to climb down the helicopter’s steps while Travis finished the flight checks with his co-pilot. She had hardly spoken with him since she’d woken on the jet to find him working on his laptop in the lounge, looking relaxed and far too handsome. Her grand plans to discuss all the things they should work on while they were in Colorado had hastily been put on hold as another bout of inappropriate yearning had assailed her.
Travis and the pilot began loading their luggage onto a two-seater quad bike parked next to the heliport once the chopper’s blades had stopped.
How odd... Where are the house’s staff?
‘Hey, grab that bag, Belle,’ Travis shouted at her.
She lifted the small suitcase that contained her cosmetics and toiletries. And joined him at the quad.
‘Sling it in the back and hop in,’ he said.
She felt the surge of affection at the casual way he spoke to her. Then felt foolish for her giddy reaction. Surely, he spoke to everyone in the same way? Exactly how sheltered was she?
She thanked the pilot, who had finished loading the bags—which appeared to be all hers apart from a large rucksack—and climbed into the quad.
‘Thanks, Chad,’ Travis said, slapping the pilot on the back. ‘We’ll see you on the first for the pick-up. I’ll check in with Megan if we need anything, but otherwise have a great Christmas.’
Isabelle tensed. She’d conveniently forgotten about the upcoming festive season—thanks to the pressures of the wedding and the wedding night. She forced herself not to panic.
She had a plan to refocus their working relationship over the next ten days.
All she needed to do was find the right time to suggest it.
The pilot waved goodbye, promising not to lift off until they were at the house.
After jumping into the quad, Travis drove through a grove of aspens laden with snow. The track opened out onto the valley ridge. Isabelle’s breathing clogged again as his mountain home appeared. The striking multi-level structure was much larger than she had expected, and as breathtaking as the stunning panoramic view across the Rockies.
He’d called the place a cabin, so she’d envisioned something cosy and quaint made of wood. She certainly had not expected anything this modern—or this imposing. The steel and glass edifice was several storeys high and built into the ridge-line with terraces on two levels that ran the length of the house. A seventy-five-foot lap pool encased in glass hung over the cliff on the lower level. Steam rose from the water, which was open to the elements.