He could see her surprise and pleasure at the compliment—which made no sense. Surely he couldn’t be the first guy to tell her that?

The streak of jealousy—and possessiveness—at the thought of all those other guys made even less sense. They might be married, but she wasn’t his.

Even so, he skimmed his thumb across her nape, delighted when her eyes flared with need.

Her arms remained folded over her breasts, but they weren’t hiding much.

He stroked her bare shoulders, causing more of those delicious shivers. Circling her waist, he flattened his palms against her belly, just above the lace of her panties, to draw her against him.

‘I want to kiss you again, Belle,’ he murmured against her neck, determined to make it a question, even though the hunger was crucifying him.

‘Where?’ she asked—in that puzzled, polite way she had that he was beginning to realise masked so much passion.

His lips quirked. How could she be so hot and yet so adorable?

‘Anywhere you’ll let me,’ he replied.

Her eyes glazed with arousal, but her teeth dug into her lip, the panic resurfacing. Grasping her shoulders, he turned her to face him—before she could get out the no he suspected might be coming.

‘How about we start with this mouth?’ he said, lifting her lips to his.

She blinked, then nodded.

Thank the Lord.

Isabelle’s breath guttered out as Travis’s lips captured hers.

But unlike the kiss she had obsessed about for weeks, this kiss wasn’t coaxing or careful, it was demanding and forceful. A groan she couldn’t control reverberated through her as she opened her mouth to welcome him in. Vicious sensation centred in her sex as his tongue thrust deep.

The pleasure spread like wildfire as he wrapped his arms around her to bring her flush against him. She could feel the thrust of his erection against her belly. Hard and long, and more than a little overwhelming even through his shorts. She writhed against the thick ridge, suddenly desperate to relieve the aching pain emanating from her core.

His head rose suddenly, and he tore his mouth from hers.

‘I’m sorry,’ she mumbled.

His lips curved in a wry smile, which had her wariness resurfacing. Could he see what he did to her?

‘What for?’ he asked, his gravelly voice scraping the many sensitive parts he had exploited so easily.

Because I don’t know how to do this.

The words reverberated in her mind, too revealing to be said aloud.

‘I’m still not sure this is a good idea,’ she muttered.

He nodded. But the demand on his face remained as he cradled her cheek and dragged his thumb across her lips.

‘If you want to tell me where you like to be touched, we could see if I can change your mind,’ he said, the purpose in his gaze as intoxicating as the renewed throbbing in her sex.

Again, she should say no—she had no idea where she liked to be touched.

But her control was already in tatters, the aching desire consuming her, and another nod became inevitable when he skimmed his thumb under her bare breast—and shocking sensation arrowed down to her core.

He turned her around to face the mirror again. ‘How about we start there?’ he said, nuzzling the skin under her earlobe as he took her wrists to gently release the arms she had shielding her breasts.

Her harsh intake of breath echoed around the room as he cupped the heavy orbs.

‘Good?’ he asked as he circled the throbbing peaks while kissing the pulse in her neck.