‘And the corset?’ he added, with no pretence at all of innocence now. ‘Because I’ve been dreaming of getting you out of that all day.’

The husky comment reverberated through her torso.

Would it be so wrong? To admit how much she wanted to feel those strong hands on her again? A part of her knew this was leading somewhere she had already decided they could not go.

But her previous cowardice came back to taunt her now. The hot weight in her sex impossible to ignore. And all she could do was nod.


HUNGERTORETHROUGHTravis as Isabelle lowered her chin in the barest hint of a nod.

She was beyond beautiful, the cascade of curls like a golden cloud, her eyes dark with the desire she’d denied earlier.


She’d never looked more like a queen in that moment—regal and proud. But also somehow fragile and untouched, the wary light in her eyes making her seem vulnerable.

The realisation he was going to have to work to earn her trust only captivated him more.

He inhaled her intoxicating fragrance—wild flowers and sin—then gathered the heavy locks, feeling her delicious shiver in response, and swept them over her shoulder.

He studied the fastenings of her gown. The tiny hooks were a problem, his hands weren’t exactly made for delicate work, but he’d managed to deal with her hair without hurting her. He just needed to take it slow.

Locating the hook at her nape, he released it—the hunger surging as she shuddered. He worked his way down her back, freeing her from the garment, as each delicious quiver ricocheted through her body and into his.

Did she know how responsive she was to him?

By the time he reached her waist, the gown was gaping open to reveal the corset. He eased the ornate silk off her shoulders and she released a deep breath as the fabric pooled at her feet.

Damn, but her cleavage was like a work of art, her slender curves displayed in nothing but the cream silk corset, and some lacy panties.

‘Thank you,’ she said again, in that studiously polite tone, which only made her livewire responses to him more of a turn-on.

‘Corset next?’ he murmured, shifting back so she didn’t become aware of the growing bulge in his shorts.

Again, she nodded. Triggering another surge of desire.

He needed to pace himself again so he took a moment to stare out of the bathroom window and slow his breathing. Snow drifted down in thick flakes from the canopy of stars in the night sky, blanketing the gorge below.

Mostly in control again, he assessed the corset’s intricate tapes, rubbing his thumb across the reddened skin where the panels had dug into her back.

She bucked against the slight touch.

‘Why did you need this thing anyway?’ he asked.

‘The stylist and the designer felt it would enhance my figure,’ she said.

‘Like it needs enhancing,’ he scoffed.

The flush on her face flared, and he wondered again if she knew how gorgeous she was.

He went to work on the corset. But her vicious shivers as he released each tape only turbo-charged the heat that had been building between them for hours, days, months even...

Peeling off the stiff silk contraption at last, he placed his mouth between her shoulder blades and kissed the dewy skin. A soft moan broke from her lips.

Desire flared as the corset landed on the floor and he took in the sight of all that flushed deliciously pink flesh in nothing but a pair of minuscule lace panties and silk stockings held up by a suspender belt. She had clasped her arms over her bare breasts. But her shyness was as captivating as the arousal darkening her green eyes to black.

‘Don’t cover yourself, Belle,’ he groaned. ‘You’re beautiful.’