She dismissed the sentimental thought. Or tried to. And pressed her palm against the mass of hair, hopelessly aware of his focussed stare as he awaited her answer...

‘It’s okay, I should probably just sleep on it and let Elsa deal with it in the morning. It’s a fairly major job and you’re probably tired too,’ she tried to reason.

‘I’m notthattired,’ he said, the sensual smile having a disturbing effect on her already erratic heartbeat. He captured her wrist—his touch as bold as it was sure—and drew her hand down. ‘Seems like a job I ought to learn, just in case,’ he added, his thumb rubbing casually against the pulse throbbing wildly in her wrist. ‘Even as your fake husband you never know when I might need the experience.’ The slow sensual smile spread. ‘Plus, I’ve been wanting to demolish that hairdo for hours.’

‘I...Really?’ she said as her sex clenched alarmingly.

‘Yeah. I should probably tell you,’ he said, lifting her hand and opening her fist as he continued to speak in that lazy, husky tone. ‘I’ve acquired a major hair fetish in the last couple months.’

‘You... You have?’ she said, inanely, but unable to think clearly.

‘Uh-huh.’ He pressed a kiss into the centre of her palm.

She jolted as sensation arrowed into her sex. She should object, should tug her hand free, but she appeared to be unable to do anything but inhale the enticing cedarwood scent that clung to him.

‘Kind of perverted, I know, but I think we should work with it.’ Letting go of her hand, he placed his palm on her waist and directed her back into the bathroom.

Stopping in front of the large marble vanity, he placed his hands on her shoulders and turned her towards the mirror. He stood behind her, his broad shoulders somehow filling the large bathroom.

‘So where do I start?’ he asked, his tone casual, but the fierce purpose in his gaze as it met hers in the glass staggering her.

She directed her gaze to the rigid tangle of curls and clips and pins—trying to focus on the question, and the task at hand... And not the sight of him—so large and overwhelming behind her.

‘If you could get the rest of the pins out, that would be a big help,’ she murmured, feeling both hopelessly self-conscious, but also strangely exhilarated.

‘Right, here goes. Tell me if it hurts, okay?’

She nodded, watching as he spent some time assessing the damage, then located a pin at her crown. He wiggled it then dragged it free, with infinite patience. Sensation sparked across her scalp, waking up nerve-endings that had been deadened hours ago.

His gaze met hers as he threw the pin on the vanity. ‘One down,’ he said. ‘Only ten thousand to go.’

She chuckled, releasing a little of the tension in her stomach.

‘Hey, don’t laugh, I take my work seriously.’

She smiled, trying not to fall for his charm... Or get too fixated on the muscular torso so close to her back.

True to his word he worked diligently, watching her reaction intently as he located and pulled out each pin, each clip and comb. She stood as still as she could under his care, but it became increasingly difficult with each slow brush of his fingertips, each gentle tug, the silence as he concentrated on freeing her hair only making the task seem more intimate—and arousing.

By the time he had wriggled the final clip loose, her entire scalp had become a riot of sensation, her heartbeat thundering in her chest and echoing in her sex.

How had he made her head an erogenous zone?

He thrust strong fingers into her hair and the heavy mass cascaded onto her shoulders. A moan escaped her as he kneaded her scalp, massaging away the soreness.

‘Better?’ he asked as he dropped his hands to her shoulders.

Their gazes collided in the mirror.

‘Yes, thank you,’ she murmured, aware of his nearness, knowing how much she had enjoyed his ministrations. ‘I should probably go to bed now.’

She went to step away from him, but he held her in place.

‘Hold up,’ he said. His hands skimmed down her bare arms to land on her waist. ‘How about I help you with the dress?’ he murmured, resting his chin on the top of her head.

The question sounded innocent, but the wicked light in his eyes as he awaited her answer was anything but.

The throbbing in her sex became unbearable.