That wasn’t a compliment but his voice lacked the sting it would have if he were digging at her and the slight uptilt to his mouth made her want to lean closer and trace the curve of his lips—
Shying away from the ridiculousness of that thought, she let her gaze drop to the plate, staring down admiringly at the olive-oil-strewn chunks of bread and glossy tomatoes, as if that, not him and his all too fascinating face, was the most important thing in the room just then.
‘But I was being a bit of a pain too,’ he said softly.
Glancing up, she found him watching her in that incisive way of his.
‘A bit?’ She raised an eyebrow.
Tiger leaned back in his seat, his strong fingers stroking the rim of his water glass, and she suddenly wished that it were New York time here so that Silvana or some other member of staff would be bringing them food just as they had on the plane, and there would be something to distract her from this intense and intensely beautiful man sitting opposite her.
‘Okay, I was a pain earlier. I hadn’t thought through some of the hands-on practicalities of our arrangement.’
Hands-on.Remembering the seeking press of his fingers as he had pulled her against him, she felt her face get warm.
‘I didn’t think about it either,’ she said quickly.
He tilted his chin back. ‘True, but as you so rightly said, this was my idea.’
It was more of an acknowledgement than an apology but that in itself felt seismic. During her brief, exhausting and terrifying marriage, she had always been wrong and it had taken years to shift that thinking.
‘And I should have realised that you might not be comfortable sharing a bed.’ She must have tensed because she felt his eyes flick to her face.
‘So, I was thinking maybe you might be happier in another room.’
Now her eyes flicked to his. She hadn’t expected that and something of her surprise must have shown on her face because he frowned. ‘I know I haven’t offered you much in the way of evidence but I’m not a monster, Sydney.’
‘I don’t think you’re a monster,’ she said quietly. ‘And I get why it makes sense for us to sleep in the same room.’
His eyes were steady and precise on her face. ‘I can take the sofa.’
‘Or you could share the bed.’ Her voice sounded different, and now his gaze enveloped her, holding her captive with hypnotic intensity.
‘Like you said, it’s big enough.’
‘It is.’ His voice was different now too. ‘But only if you’re okay with that.’
She nodded. ‘I am.’ She was. And she knew that shouldn’t make sense, and yet it did. Because of him.
Maybe he hadn’t formally apologised but Tiger had admitted to going too far; what was more, he was trying to make amends for how he’d acted.
Only this wasn’t just about him, it was about her too. About how, even though she was divorced, she hadn’t put her relationship with Noah behind her. For so long now, she had been too scared to let anyone get close but, probably because none of this was real, she felt safe enough with Tiger to do so. Not just physically, but emotionally.
After all, she was playing a role. Her actual feelings weren’t involved.
And a part of her did miss being intimate, being held, being close to someone, which was completely understandable. Although it was surprising that it should be Tiger who had made her finally admit that to herself. To cover her confusion she said quickly, ‘But thank you for giving me the choice.’
‘So, you believe me now?’ He was watching her with a narrow sort of gaze as if he cared about her answer. ‘That I’m not a monster?’
‘You’re not a monster. I mean, you like getting your own way.’
‘You sound like my housekeeper.’
That smile.
She felt her stomach lurch, only this time it had nothing to do with hunger and her heart thudded hard as heat surged through her. A dizzying, dangerous heat that she felt everywhere, almost as if those callused hands were touching her, caressing her—
‘What do you mean?’ She didn’t really care. It was just something to say to clear her head but as his eyes met hers, she was suddenly curious.