Boss’s Plus-One Demand
Louise Fuller
Harris Carver’s private members’ club, New York
‘IFYOU’DLIKEto follow me, Ms Truitt. Mr Carver is waiting for you in the members’ lounge.’
The man in the suit turned and Sydney Truitt followed him. She had no idea where she was. She had been picked up at the airport and then driven by limousine into an underground car park. But this must be some kind of private club, she thought as she followed the man in the suit along the wood-panelled corridor.
He stopped in front of a door, knocked briskly and then opened it and took a step back to allow her to pass. ‘Mr Carver will see you now.’
At first she thought the room was empty, but then she saw him.
As Harris Carver rose to his feet and walked towards her, she felt her shoulders tense. Up until now, most of her clients had been smaller businesses, but there weren’t many businesses as big as HCI.
‘Ms Truitt.’ He held out his hand and she shook it. ‘Thank you for meeting me here, and for signing the NDA. I know it must all feel a little “cloak and dagger” but, given my position, it’s best, I find, to err on the side of caution.’
She smiled politely. ‘Of course. And thank you for considering me for the contract, although I’m not actually sure what it is I’m being considered for.’ The phone call had been brief and vague enough that she had been slightly afraid that they had called the wrong person.
‘It’s a short-term contract. Just three days but you will be handsomely rewarded for your time. Take a seat.’
‘Could I just ask why you’ve approached me? It’s just there are bigger and better-known people who do what I do—’ She could think of at least two firms of white hat hackers here in New York who could carry out a legitimate ‘attack’ on HCI to find and fix any possible security issues within its network, and yet he had chosen her.
He shrugged. ‘I had a shortlist of suitable candidates. Everyone was on a par skill-wise but it was your background that gave you the edge.’ He hesitated and then he smiled, a predatory smile that made her whole body grow still and tense. ‘You see, I need someone who is not just technically capable but who is, how can I put it?’ He paused. ‘Ah, yes, ethically flexible. Growing up in your family would suggest you have that quality.’
‘My family?’ She frowned. This wasn’t how these conversations normally went. ‘What do you know about my family?’
He held her gaze. ‘This contract is sensitive. I needed to know that you would be fit for purpose, so I had my people take a closer look. Don’t worry. They’re thorough but discreet.’ Still holding her gaze, he paused, his face expressionless. ‘Unlike your brothers, who seem to have made quite a name for themselves with the local law enforcement in your home town.’
He was right. All three of her brothers had followed the same well-trodden path as their father and uncles. Only, that was the problem. They had the wrong role models and even before they could walk or talk, people had made assumptions about them. But they didn’t know them as she did. Just because they had criminal records didn’t mean they were bad to the bone, because they weren’t. Far from it.
‘My brothers are not—’ she began, but he held up his hands placatingly.
‘I’m not judging, just stating the facts, which are that they have broken the law and are now facing the consequences. I’m sure you must be anxious to help them, but help is so expensive, I find. The good kind anyway. The kind that delivers the required result. Which is why I think you’re the perfect fit for this job.’ He paused again, his grey gaze sweeping over her assessingly. ‘I think you are someone who can help me.’
She swallowed. ‘Help you do what?’
‘It’s a business matter. Tiger McIntyre has stolen something from me. A piece of intellectual property. I want it back. I need it back so that I can prove he did what he will undoubtedly deny doing. Which means I need someone on the inside. Someone who can pose as an employee while she hacks into his server.’
Harris Carver’s voice faded and thinned, swallowed up by the heavy, persistent thud of her heartbeat. He wanted her to pose as an employee? Was he out of his mind? Tiger McIntyre had a reputation for being as fearsome and ruthless as his namesake. And as beautiful. Her pulse accelerated. Not that she had met him, but she had seen his picture often enough that she could almost picture his sculpted face and arresting gaze.
‘It will mean crossing a line so I understand if that’s giving you pause for thought.’
Harris Carver was leaning forward slightly and she blinked, trying to refocus her mind.
‘You’re a very wealthy, powerful man, Mr Carver, so I wanted to give you the chance to pretend that I misunderstood what you were suggesting. Because it’s not just crossing a line, it’s illegal.’
He held her gaze for a few uncomfortable seconds and she had to clench her jaw to stop herself from looking away.
‘Something which your family knows all about.’
She got to her feet unsteadily. This was not who she was. It was not even who her brothers were, deep down. Only explaining that would mean revealing more than she was willing to do, had ever done, because even just thinking about it still had the power to make her shake inside.
‘But I’m not my family so I’m afraid I’m going to have to decline your offer because if I get caught it would ruin my reputation—’
‘Then don’t get caught.’ She felt her muscles tense as Harris Carver typed something onto his phone and then held it out so that she could see the numbers flashing on the screen.