‘No one will enter now,’ he answered. ‘Only a select few know of its existence. But...’


‘Now, if they try to enter, they will know it’s occupied.’

A long tunnel stretched out before her. Red fluorescent lights flickered above. Shadows blinked into focus in pink hues. She moved forward. Reached out and touched the wall. Let her fingers travel through the winding foliage climbing upwards. But climbing to where?

‘What is this place?’ she said, and she felt the tightness, the anticipation threading through her limbs.

‘You’ll see,’ he said, his voice low and deep, echoing in the dark silence.

Heat rushed against her nape. He was so close, two feet behind her, maybe a little more, and yet he was so far away.

It was an imaginary whisper of his breath on her skin. But she felt it. The closeness of him. The heat driving her forward. The presence behind her pushing her to an unknown end.

‘I’ll see?’ she asked.

‘Yes,’ he said. ‘This is a place I come to when I want to be alone.’

‘But you aren’t alone.’

‘I know.’

Her heart faltered. Her pulse beat without a steady throb, only an echo of it.

‘And do you bring others here when you want to be alone?’ she asked, her chest tightening. Painfully.



‘Only now,’ he said. ‘Onlyyou.’

Blood rushed through her veins. Her heart hammered at the confirmation that she was the only one to come here with him.

It meant something, didn’t it? Even though she had no idea where he’d brought her or where he was taking her. Or what she’d find when she came to the end.

‘What do you do when you come here?’


Still, his voice carried. A physical torture that did not touch her skin. But it pierced into flesh. Drove inside her.

‘But there aren’t any restaurants here,’ she said over her shoulder, walking forward.

‘There are several hundred,’ he corrected.‘Jido-hanbaiki.’

‘Is that a restaurant?Where?I can’t see it,’ she said, turning her gaze to the long walls at her sides. ‘There are no people. No chefs. No waiters. There are only—’

She paused.

There was a door.

And he closed in on her now. Stood behind her. Inches away instead of feet.

‘Go inside,’ he urged.

She raised her hand to the silver looped handle. Touched it. But she didn’t pull, didn’t push.