“I know even less,” she told him, wrapping herself around him. “So we will have to do it together, you and me.”
“My darling wife,” he said, “my only stepmother,asteri mou, I am yours.”
“And I am only and ever yours,” she replied.
The next time they kissed, right there on that beach, was the beginning.
The end of the war.
And the beginning offorever.
THEYPRIDEDTHEMSELVESon falling a little more in love every day.
They worked on it.
They did not keep score—though Apostolis took some time before he forgave himself.
Jolie was quicker.
But then, she had a secret weapon.
When things did not seem to be going in the right direction, all she needed to do was smile in that sharp, barbed way that never failed to get his attention.
“Are you certain you wish to smile at me like that?” he would ask, dangerously.
“You sound like a small man making big noises,” she said once in response—
And then laughed and laughed when he swept her up and tossed her, fully dressed, into the pool.
Then spent a good deal longer kissing her dry in the privacy of their bedroom.
Because they liked a spark. They would never run out of their fire.
She wouldn’t know them if they did.
Mathilde settled into life at the Andromeda beautifully. At first she didn’t want to leave Jolie’s side. The two of them spent hours and hours together, first comparing notes. Then building new memories.
And it was no more than a couple of years later that Mathilde came to them and said that she thought it was time she tried a bit of independence—and she knew just the place.
Because by then they all knew about Dioni’s adventures in New York.
“I cannot quite get my head around choosing a concrete city when there is all this,” Apostolis confessed one evening.
The sunset was settling in, spectacularly. The guests had drifted out from the terrace to gather at the cliffside, the better to truly take it in.
“Everyone must find their own path, my love,” Jolie told him.
He looked down at her, that smile on his face that was only hers. “As long as your path always leads to me,latria mou.”
Jolie let him pull her into his side as the sun put on its nightly show. Later, there would be dancing. It was that kind of night. Later still, they would walk back across the drive and laugh as they found each other in the dark hall.
They had no secrets left. He knew she understood Greek. She knew every last detail of his dealings with Alceu and the soft heart he kept hidden so deep inside of him.
There was only one thing that she was hiding from him, but it was new.
And she resolved she would tell him. Tonight.