Eventually I figured out how to make him look. I made it so he couldn’t ignore me. I demanded his attention, and he responded by selling me.
If it wasn’t for Yuki, I might have lost my mind growing up like I did. Without her I wouldn’t have known what love was. She was the only one who ever loved me. And I killed anyone else who tried.
“What’s the matter?” Dante asked as we pulled into his parking spot.
“What do you mean?” I asked.
“You’re crying.”
“Don’t be ridiculous,” I said offended.
“You are,” he insisted before reaching across the car and wiping his finger against my cheek. Showing it to me, his finger was wet.
Startled, I quickly wiped my face and escaped the car.
“I wasn’t crying.”
Joining me as we walked to the elevator, Dante stared at me concerned.
“Did what happen freak you out?”
“The head thing and dinner.”
I looked at him laughed.
“You’re dumb but you’re cute.”
He stopped.
“Look, Kuroi, I love you. I’ve told you that I love you. And I will do anything to protect you. But you gotta meet me half way. You can’t just break out crying and not tell me what’s going on. How do you think that makes me feel?”
I stopped and looked back frustrated.
“I said I wasn’t crying.”
“Then what was it, allergies?” he asked sarcastically. “Was robot fluid leaking from your face? I hate to tell you this but you’re not a robot. You feel things even if you can’t admit that you do.”
“Listen to me, Dante, I wasn’t crying!” I insisted.
“And what about the other night?”
I froze.
“What other night?”
“The night when… we did that thing and you… you know… lost it?”
“That wasn’t me.”
“Well, I sure hope it was you. We just got married. It’s too soon to be inviting another man into our bed,” he joked.
“Dante,” I said overwhelmed.
He grabbed me by the shoulders and stared down into my eyes.
“You don’t have to do this. I know I’m not that great at communicating. I mean, why the fuck would I be. But I know it’s important so I’m trying here. If I hurt you, you gotta tell me. That’s what the safe word is for, right? So I don’t hurt you. You can’t let me keep doing things that hurt you.”