Page 6 of Black Widow's Kiss

“Untie him. Get him dressed,” Father said headed for the door foolishly leaving the three of us alone.

“You heard my father.” I imitated my father’s ascent and righteous tone. “Untie me! Get me dressed!”

Neither of them moved. Still blindfolded, I assumed they were gesturing again.

“I know. Tough choice. Do you untie my hands first? No, I could do too much with my hands. Then, what about my feet? But, I could run. The boss wouldn’t like that. What to do? What to do?” I taunted.

After what felt like way too much staring, my scared friend opted to start with my feet. Tugging and pulling on the well secured knot, it must have been as much of a surprise to him as it was to me that the ropes fell to the ground and my lean legs rose and clamped around his neck.

Did I say surprise? I meant inevitable. How else was I going to kill him? My hands were still tied. My legs were all I had.

Feeling the slight shift of his body weight, I twisted catching him off guard and spinning him onto his back. I did another obvious thing after that, I let him go, slipped my tied hands under my ass and used the rope binding them to choke him lifeless.

I didn’t quite get to lifeless because I wasn’t a miracle worker. I still had a second man to deal with. Not knowing where he was, I could have removed the blindfold. But where was the fun in that? Didn’t they call me the Black Widow behind my back? How could they continue to if Mama didn’t feed?

Hearing a quick inhale, I sprung across the room and went to work. First, I took out his legs hearing a bone snap. Grunting and moans followed. It served him right for being so fragile. That’s the problem with toys. They break so easily.

‘I know, father, this is why we can’t have nice things.’

My father never actually told me that. I like to pretend. In another life, I had a father who changed into his smoking jacket when he got home and lit his pipe. The economy blah, blah, blah. Pork bellies.

‘I hit a homerun in the game today, Father.’

‘You did? Well, let me give you a firm handshake. The boys at school must be so envious of you.’

‘Oh, they are father. Proper jealous,’ I imagined as I hear another bone snap.

“Kuroi!” another familiar voice said ripping me from my flow. “Kuroi!”

Removing my thumb from the man’s eye socket, I turned toward the voice and stood up.

“Why must you do this?”

“Why must I have a little fun?” I asked lifting my blindfold to see Yuki standing in front of me. “Man can’t live on bread alone, sister.”

Getting an eye-full of her naked little brother, Yuki averted her eyes.

“Something here you haven’t seen before?” I said with a chuckle.

“Please, Kuroi, get dressed,” she said holding a change of clothes in front of her.

“You’re such a prude,” I said to the women who had probably never seen a dick that wasn’t attached to a brother.

“You can’t keep dishonoring father like this,” she said as if sharing a fact.

“Why not? Father has no problem dishonoring me.”

“You deserve better, Kuroi.”

“We get what we deserve.”

“You didn’t deserve any of this.”

“Yuki, didn’t you know? This is what happens when your mother is a whore.”

“Don’t say that.”

“Well, she was, wasn’t she? Our father’s whore. And this is what little bastards like me get.”