Page 70 of Black Widow's Kiss

“You’re so beautiful. You’re the hottest thing I’ve ever seen. I want you. I want every bit of you. You’re perfect. I could never find anyone better than you.”

This was too much. It was all too much. Ripped out of this world, I spiraled into a new one. In it was only me and him. Humiliation, pain, love, they were physical objects that pushed through me. Whipped from one emotion to the next, my achingly hard cock flinched a final time before I screamed and sprayed.

Hearing me, Dante grabbed my hair. Forcing my legs apart, he crouched and really let lose. I was a rag doll in his hands. Pressed onto the counter, I wasn’t going anywhere. And when he had worn a man-sized hole in me, and I could no longer hold on, he bellowed and filled me with his juices.

His grip on my hair had been the only thing holding me up. Releasing me and falling into an exhausted stupor, Dante collapsed onto me. No longer held up, I melted onto the counter. Dante’s heavy breaths engulfed me. It smelt like his kiss.

Not there long, Dante pushed his hand under my chest wanting to wrap his arms around me. I wanted it too, but I had nothing left in me. I was too fucked to move.

Content to feel him on top of me, I didn’t have to settle. As soon as he caught his breath, he stood up, lifted me into his arms, and carried me to his bed. Resting my head onto his shoulder, I watched my cloak drag behind us. Placed onto the mattress, I was quickly unrobed.

Still too fucked to budge, I watched as Dante undressed. His tattooed chest rippled as he moved. His stomach was a washboard.

Lowering his unzipped pants, he next removed his underwear. Although he wasn’t hard, his cock was still quite full. It would be the perfect size to suck. That I could fit down my throat. I wouldn’t get the opportunity to, though, because oncehe was naked, he climbed onto the bed beside me and pulled me into his arms.

I don’t know why, but it was then that everything that had happened released something within me. As he gently cradled me, I suddenly started to cry. It wasn’t me crying, of course. It was Shiro. I felt nothing like that. Usually I felt nothing at all.

But, apparently Shiro was a candy ass. He was everything I wasn’t. And as he bawled pathetically, Dante held him tight. With his large hand cupping the back of my head, he buried me into him.

Why was Shiro the only version of me that my father could love? What was it about Kuroi that was so easy to pass around? These were just questions for me, but Shiro blubbered about it. So pathetic. Thank God I was nothing like that. How embarrassing would it be if I was?

Dante continued to hold Shiro until he couldn’t cry any more. It was only when his inferno tantrum was done that I could relax. Listening to my husband’s powerful heartbeats, I felt safe. And buried in his strong arms, I slowly drifted off to sleep.

***Author note: Wondering what would have happened if Kuroi chose the bare hand emoji? It’s shocking! Read the alternate sex scene by becoming a Patron on It’s the author’s new website where you can have steamy chats with characters from the author’s sexy romances. Read the alternate sex scene and try out the steamy chat for free. And don’t worry, the chats only get NSFW if you want them to. ?? Click here to go there now.

Chapter 12


What the fuck had I done? Had I broken Kuroi? The man I had married didn’t cry. He barely had emotions at all. It was like he was a different person.

He had called himself Shiro. I had thought he was roleplaying. That’s why I went along with it.

And he knew the safe word. I had made sure of it. He could have stopped what I was doing at any time. So, why didn’t he? Just when I thought I understood him and could predict his responses, he did this.

Of course, in a hundred years I wouldn’t have guessed that I would have made him do what I did last night. But I had.I don’t know what came over me.

I was just gonna have him bend over my knee and then paddle him. …Okay, that’s not completely true. From the time he requested it, I had decided to come up with something on the fly. And then I remembered Yuki telling me that Kuroi needed a firm hand.

I have to be honest, her telling me that kinda pissed me off. I can’t tell you why it did. I went to her for advice. She gave it to me. But it was the way she said it. It was like she was the grand empress, and I knew nothing. She made me feel like I didn’t deserve Kuroi or something.

So, with Kuroi standing in front of me looking like he did, it just came to me. And I hadn’t considered how Yuki would respond seeing Kuroi dressed like he was, but I definitely wouldn’t have predicted that she would responded how she had.

It was like the two of us were working together. But I couldn’t support any of what she was saying about Kuroi knowing his place. Kuroi knew his place. It was by my side being the king he was.

Yet, hearing her say those things, I still went along with it. I was turned on by everything too much to stop. It had to have hurt Kuroi, right? That’s why after bringing him to my bed, he collapsed into tears. So, why didn’t he use the safe word? Had he forgotten it?

“Morning,” Kuroi said to me with a smile.

“Morning,” I replied not having slept for a second.

“Am I going to have to handcuff you today?” he asked, looking refreshed and relaxed.

“You don’t need handcuffs because I’m never letting you go.”

Kuroi stared at me for a second and then leaned forward and kissed me. Relaxing onto the pillow, he stared into my eyes.

“About last night,” I began.