“Do I call your pilot directly?” I asked confused.
“What makes you think that I have a helicopter on standby?”
“Why wouldn’t you?”
“Why would I?”
Seeing that this conversation was going nowhere, I got to the point.
“I want to go visit Yuki who is at home today. How do I do it?”
“You could drive.”
“Nope. Try again.”
“What do you mean, nope?”
“Do I have to explain what no means? Try again!”
“I could have a driver pick you up.”
“Nope. Again.”
“How about I arrange for a helicopter to take you to Sato’s?”
I smiled delighted. “There you go, husband. I knew you’d get it.”
Dante didn’t seem happy about it, but he informed me that his assistant would be calling me with the details. Within 20 minutes she had, and at the heliport 20 minutes after that, I landed at my father’s compound within the hour.
Like every good Japanese, Yuki was a creature of habit. This was the time for her to be in her garden. Finding her there, I regretted wearing heels.
“I can’t understand how you could enjoy being out here,” I said furious that not even this tinted her porcelain complexion.
“It relaxes me. Perhaps you should consider gardening,” she said continuing to prune her winter rose bushes.
“I have my own ways of relaxing,” I told my icy sister.
“I imagine.”
“I’m sure you don’t.”
Silence fell between us leaving me staring at her with nothing better to do.
“I bought you a gift.”
“Did you?” I asked intrigued. “Will this one be my wedding present?”
“You can think of it however you’d like. Has married life been treating you well?”
Had married life been treating me well? Let’s see. I was sleeping better than I have in years. I had had the greatest fuck of my life. And I was beginning to enjoy my husband’s company.
“I can think of worse things.”
Hearing my declaration, Yuki almost collapsed in surprise… or at least, her version of it, which consisted of a slight glance back with eye contact. Returning her attention to her roses, she said, “I’m pleased.”
Pruning for barely a minute more, she gathered her stuff and lead me back inside. As she did, she almost expressed an emotion. I had never seen my sister so rattled. Who was this person beside me?
“Tea?” she asked, her tone screaming her distress.