Page 29 of Black Widow's Kiss

I laughed, but only briefly. I hadn’t forgotten how he had responded the last time I had laughed at him. Remembering that, I walked out of his hands and headed for the door.

“I have to go,” I said hurrying out.

“See you tonight?” He said leaning against the doorway of my bedroom.

I flinched.

What did that mean? Sure, he was being nice this morning but wasn’t he nice to me yesterday morning as well. What body part would I have to sew up tonight?

This was ridiculous. His mood swings were out of control. Yeah, I probably hadn’t reacted in the best way when I saw him last night. But his response had been above and beyond. If he were anyone else, he would be dead right now.

The problem was that he wasn’t anyone else. He was Kuroi Sato, my husband. That fact alone meant I didn’t have the same options. I was defenseless against him. And if I didn’t get control of things before he realized it, I was in trouble.

Getting into my car, I dialed the only person I could trust.

“Lorenzo, meet me in my office in an hour.”

“I’ll be there,” he agreed sounding like he knew what it was about.

Staring out at the city from my office window, Lorenzo entered all business.

“You’re right. I have a problem at home and I need your help,” I admitted, as hard as it was to say.

“You want me to take care of him?”

Just hearing him say it sent me into a fury.

“Don’t you ever fuckin’ say those words again.”

Lorenzo didn’t flinch. Instead, he tilted his head like a curious puppy.

“Then why did you ask me here?”

“I need your brain. I need a way to solve this.”

“So, you want me to get him to kill you slower?”

“I told you. I don’t think he’s trying to kill me.”

He laughed.

“I’m serious.”

Frustrated, he replied, “You kissed him and then immediately drove your car into a tree. Give me an alternative explanation for that.”

I thought about what the doctor said about me having a panic attack.

“I felt something on my neck.”


“Yeah. Right before I passed out.”

“What did you feel?”

“It felt like someone shot me but,” I touched the spot letting him see it, “no wound.”

“What feels like a gunshot but doesn’t leave a wound?” Lorenzo thought about it seriously. “Have you ever been hit by a Taser?”