It was only then that my hubby reacted. He was surprisingly fast for an old man. With the blade still in him, he reached back grabbing my neck. Bending me first, he tossed me across the room. My hubby was strong.
If that was his plan to stop the Black Widow, he had another thing coming. No longer having the knife, she gathered herself and sprung back. Launching herself into the air, she landed on his neck. Holding on as he spun, her grip loosened when he backed her into the fridge.
He was definitely a strong one. And when he did it again with twice as much force, she let go her grip allowing him to take her by the throat, lift her over his head, and slam her onto the couch.
With his hands tightening around her neck, I saw the life return to his eyes. He had chosen madness. It was glorious to see. The sight of it ushered the Black Widow away and brought me back.
My hubby’s hands were powerful. I was helpless. He could kill me with just the flick of his wrist. Would he? As the darkness swallowed my sight, I wasn’t sure.
When I came to, things were much calmer. My husband was no longer choking the life out of me and I was no longer trying to kill him. I was instead desperately trying to catch my breath and he was applying pressure to his spider bites.
“Do you need help with that?” I asked, finding my voice.
“You’re fuckin’ nuts,” he said barely looking at me.
“But honey, I’m your nuts,” I crooned.
“Lucky me,” he huffed sarcastically.
“I think you ruined my makeup,” I admitted not wanting to see myself in the mirror.
“I think you stabbed me in the back.”
“It was a love tap.”
“You call that love.”
“Do you think I couldn’t find an artery?” I asked casually.
My husband paused sobering up.
“I don’t know. Could you have?”
“There are six arteries that when cut would most-likely end in death. In the neck, the chest, the collar, the arm, the pelvis, and oh yeah, four inches down from the bite in your thigh.”
“Shit!” he cooed.
“Like I said, a love tap,” I told him before he got up, headed to his room and locked the door behind him.
This was going to make performing my wifely duties on our wedding night a challenge. It looks like I got ‘the talk’ for nothing.
Holding out hope that he just needed to straighten his room before inviting me in, I got comfortable on the couch and waited for him to return. I stared at his door all night. He never came out. Still there and awake as the sun peeked in through the skyscrapers, I eventually heard his door crack.
Sitting up, I was sure I looked a mess. I should have cleaned myself up. I was wearing yesterday’s makeup and a wrinkled suit. What was I thinking? This was no way to keep a man.
Putting my skank aside, I put my hands in my lap and made myself the vision of elegance. There was no way he would be able to resist this lady, but somehow he did. Exiting his room fully dressed, he barely looked at me. When he did in response to my eagerness, he held up a finger freezing me.
I’ll be honest, I didn’t know how to react to that. By the time I had decided, he was already entering the elevator.
“Would you like me to make you some coffee?” I asked a closing elevator door.
The truth was that I had no idea how to make coffee. Coffee was one of those things that had appeared fully formed in mugs or cups. But it couldn’t be that hard to figure out, could it?
Suspecting my love was gone for the day, I slumped in my seat and lowered my head into my hands. Feeling them slide, I remembered how I looked. Examining my hands, they were caked with foundation. I had to clean myself off.
To do that I considered heading to Dante’s bathroom.I thought better of it. It wasn’t because he didn’t want me there. Ijust didn’t want to leave it a mess. So, choosing one of the guest bedroom’s bathrooms, I gathered my supplies.
Clean, I next entered the shower. Naked to the world, the reality of my life snuck in. Faced with it, I didn’t like the way it looked. Luckily, the thought didn’t stay long. And exiting the shower without getting dressed. I took another tour of my new home which ended with me crawling into his bed.