Page 26 of Black Widow's Kiss

“I’m fine.”

“Do you need me call someone?”

“No!” I ordered making sure he saw the look in my eyes.

It worked. At least I hoped it did. Looking down, my clothes were beginning to look like I went to prom in a horror movie. I had to get out of here. I needed to get into my car and get to the one place I knew I would be safe.

Approaching Lorenzo’s apartment, I found a spot on the sidewalk to park and shut off the engine. I’m not gonna lie to you. I probably shouldn’t have made it. I was seeing double of everything on the drive over and it was a miracle that I kept choosing the right car to ignore.

Pulling out my phone I found Lorenzo’s name and called.

“What’s up, Dante?” Lorenzo asked a little confused.

“I’m downstairs. Bring your kit. Someone got me good.”

“Coming down now,” he said again proving that he was the one person I could count on.

Feeling my vision dip in an out, it felt like forever before I saw my brother and my car door opened.

“Shit! What happened?” he asked reaching for my head instead of waiting for an answer.

“I fell,” I mumbled.

“Right,” he chuckled. “And how’s married life?”

“Peachy,” I replied before the sting of alcohol sent shockwaves across my face.

“Someone did get you good,” he confirmed. “Remind me to go for the head next time I need to take someone out. I’m surprised you even made it here.”

After what felt like five stitches, he handed me a meal replacement drink and straw, closed my door and got into the passenger seat. To my relief, he didn’t ask me any questions. At least, not until I had gotten half of my drink down.

“You’re not planning on going home, are you?”

“Why not? I told you, I fell.”

“Into what? A bat?”

“It was a casserole dish, actually. My loving husband had just made me dinner.”

Lorenzo looked at me not knowing what to believe.

“You want to come up?” he asked unsure what else to say.

“I might need a minute before I head home,” I told him embarrassed.

“Get out,” he said before switching seats with me and driving my car into his building’s underground parking lot.

Giving me another second before we got out of the car, I saw him texting someone.

“You’re gonna keep this shit between us, right?” I said in a way that let him know I was serious.

“What are you, insane? Of course,” he said continuing to text.

I let it go and eventually I could see straight for long enough to get out of the car and head to the elevator. Getting off on his floor, I saw a guy heading towards us in the hallway. Lorenzo was going to have to handle this because I couldn’t. I was the one covered in blood. I was in no position to threaten anyone into silence.

To my surprise, Lorenzo didn’t handle it. There was no need. The man didn’t look at either of us. What made it stranger was that Lorenzo didn’t look at him. It was like I was seeing someone who wasn’t there. He was, though. There was no doubt about that.

“Go clean up. I’ll bring you some clothes,” he told me as we entered his apartment.