Matteo wilted seeing I had lost it.
“I know what a made man is, Dante.”
“What is a fuckin’ made man?”
“It means he’s untouchable.”
“No! It means that if you touch him, someone’s head has to roll. Someone has to die. That’s it. No negotiation. Your action killed one of our men. Some goddamn kid is going to grow up without a father because of you. Did you take one second to consider that?”
“You didn’t see what he did to Vincente’s sister,” he said losing his asshole bravado.
“There are ways of doing it,” I said feeling the anger threatening to bubble up again.
“Alright, alright. I made a mistake. I screwed up. You could work your magic and get us out of this, can’t you?”
Seeing humility on Matteo was a new look. It caught me off guard pushing me back into my seat. Was this what wouldfinally sink in for the man who couldn’t learn a lesson that didn’t involve hair gel?
“Come on, Dante. You can handle this, right? That fuck had it comin’. None of our men need to die for that.”
I stared at him seeing something I never saw in my younger brother before. I had never heard him talk like this. Was that fucker softening? He could use a few rounded edges. My life would be a lot easier if they were.
“You’re gonna be the death of me,” I said relenting.
Matteo beamed that goddamn smile that was usually the last thing his victims saw.
“I knew you could handle things. That’s why you got the tough job. Pa had it right when he put you in charge. You’re exactly who this family needs.”
“You’re a shit kiss-ass,” I told him, my mind swirling in search of a solution.
“I’m gonna leave you to it. If there’s anything you need me to do, you know I’m there for you.”
“You could hand yourself over to them and save me the trouble of knocking you out and taking you.”
Matteo froze not sure if I was joking.
“Don’t kid like that, Dante. One of our men might overhear and think you’re serious.”
“Oh, I am serious,” I said imaging my easier life. “I’d even put a little bow on you so they could open you under a tree.”
“Do those Japanese fucks even celebrate Christmas?”
“You better hope not. I could get my shopping finished real early.”
Matteo stared at me side-eyed.
“Don’t joke like that,” he said flashing signs of the madman I had no choice but to love.
Any hint of restitution was gone. Instead of learning from this, had he simply become a better actor? Maybe I should givehim to the Yakuza. Would anyone blame me? That man had a sadistic streak that no one would miss.
“I’ll take care of it,” I told him, not knowing how, but sure I would.
“Thanks. But, I need to tell you, don’t ever question my judgment like that. It doesn’t feel good.”
I stared at him giving him nothing in response. That was usually the best way to deal with his crazy. It was like there were two people living in his body. One that would slit a man’s throat for looking at him funny. The other, the scared little boy I protected from Pa. There was no telling when either would come out.
Pa had done a number on all of his kids. None of us were affected more by it than Matteo was. There was definitely something wrong with our old man. Whatever it was, he passed on to Matteo. In ways, Matteo was becoming more like him every day. All I was left with was hope.
I was sure I could reach him before Pa’s grip was complete. There was still a good man in there somewhere. Until I found it, he was gonna tie corpses to the back of his car and drag them through Yakuza territory.