“Yes, thank you.” I wiped my mouth and stood, telling my detail to handle everything that was just brought over for breakfast so it didn’t go to waste.
All the fairies who went to school at Artemis stood and were giving their blessings.
“I don’t get it? All of this over a unicorn giving birth?” a shifter said a few tables over, looking confused but also like we were all nuts.
I met his gaze head-on. “The royal unicorns are said to be the bloodline of the first fair folk the gods blessed Faerie with. They’re not just horses but a lot like your animals, some more intelligent than a lot of the shifter animals I’ve been around.”
“Plus, the parents are a historical mating that means a lot more to our planet than simply one royal unicorn birth,” Neldor said from behind me, obviously having heard the news.
I blinked back tears. “Yeah, it’s one of the wishes someone always had in the hopes of peace.” I held my hand out to him and he took it before we did the portal dance to get to where we needed to be.
Immediately, I went to soothe Gambit and promise him that his mate was in the best care. He basically yelled at me to go help her and stop worrying about him being a stupid baby.
The unicorn really had come a long way.
“He threw the fit because I wasn’t here,” I told everyone. “He didn’t hear anyone say they were rushing to inform me and I was supposed to be here.”
“Pain in the ass,” the caretaker said without any real malice.
Gambit was for sure.
Neldor was kneeling by Amethyst’s head and promising that she would make it just fine through this. I saw the worry in his eyes as he pet her, but I ignored it and focused on the patient.
Well, I ignored it as much as possible. I think he was there when she was born and was probably thinking about her mom who had died when his mom had. They shared a special bond because of that, and I wouldn’t ignore that.
It was more I was focused on my girl.
“Hey, pretty momma,” I greeted as I knelt down as well. I nodded when she told me that she wanted to put her head on my lap. I sat cross-legged and kissed her nose when she let me scoot under her. “You’re doing great. It’s totally normal to give birth early. We’ve been monitoring everything and you’re in great shape. It’s going to hurt, but you can do it.”
We kept whispering encouragement to her until the fair folk healer told us it was time for her to push… Or whatever unicorns did. I didn’t think it was like that but more her body—I really had no clue. He said it was time.
It was still so weird to me that there were basically unicorn and fae dog veterinarians, but calling them that would be offensive when fair folk weren’t animals. So yeah, my head exploded all of the time.
It took another hour, but then her baby came out and the healer promised everything was perfect with the unicorn.
“You did it,” I rasped, kissing her face. “A baby boy and he’s perfect. You did—”
“Your Highness, there’s another baby,” the healer whispered, his eyes wide with shock.
“Come again?” Neldor sputtered. “How was that missed?” The healer didn’t answer, seeming too shocked to respond. Neldor clapped his hands. “Focus, man! What the hell is going on?”
The healer snapped himself out of it and met Neldor’s gaze. “A miracle. There have only been a few twin unicorn birthsever, Your Grace. We checked the fetus was in good condition and the heart rate—everything normal. We never thought to check for two.”
“You did say she was larger than normal and that she might give birth early,” I muttered. “Is the other baby okay?”
The healer didn’t answer for a moment but then nodded. “Yes. Ready to come out, so we have to do this again and now. You can place healing on Amethyst to help her since you’re bonded.”
I nodded and did as he said, glad when Amethyst seemed better. “You can do this. You’re a proud momma twice now. Bring your baby to the world safely and then you get spoiled and can rest. You can do this.” I swallowed a flinch when my dad knelt down next to me.
“You bless the peace of Faerie with this miracle,” he said gently. “You bring the vision alive your mother had with Neldor’s mother even if they’re gone. Hang on and push through it.” He leaned in and kissed my hair. “I’m sorry I’m late.”
I nodded, glad we could put everything else aside for this and simply enjoy the moment, be there for Amethyst.
It was a harder birth, but the healer promised she was okay… And so was her baby girl.
“One of each?” I rasped, kissing Amethyst. “Did you hear that? You had a boy and a girl. You did so well, Momma. You did amazing.”
“You can give her more healing and then she needs to sleep,” the healer told me.