Page 87 of Vibing Unity

It was amusing when Taeral and Stefanie both snorted, knowing I wouldn’t allow that and would involve myself.

“I don’t want to overstep,” I hedged, shooting Lucca a worried glance.

“It’s not overstepping when I ask for help, cream puff,” he chuckled softly, scrubbing his hand over his neck. “We could house a bunch of the newer awoken Guardians and help them get caught up? Knowing they’re here would make anyone suicidal to even make an attempt.”

“Done,” I agreed.

The rest of his involvement was on hold until I graduated. Neldor needed the help Lucca was giving him. And the time to get someone else in the role and trained.

“I might need two,” Neldor admitted, shrugging when I raised an eyebrow. “He will make an excellent Alpha. He’s more fucking organized than I am, pays attention to the important stuff, and stays on task. I wasn’t blowing smoke up his ass that he’s been a huge help or just playing nice with one of your other mates. He’s really fucking good.”

That made all the bears happy to hear a royal seasoned in so much have that opinion.

I felt seething rage outside of the house and slipped away. I wasn’t surprised to find Lucca’s brother, Jason, standing there barely containing himself.

“You did this,” he snarled.

“No, I didn’t, but I should have,” I sighed, scrubbing my hand over my hair. “I couldn’t push it because I love your stupid brother, but your father—you don’t even know the depth of what he did. Even if you look it from the outside and the politics—he actively attempted to get me caught and possibly killed, Jason. The leader of Faerie.”

“He didn’t know that you were the—”

“It shouldn’t fucking matter!” I roared, shocking him. I let out a shaky breath. “It shouldn’t matter that he didn’t know I was important. I am aperson, Jason. He almost got me killed. A few times. He wanted tobreed me. What would you do if someone actively tried to put the pieces together to make that happen for one of your sisters? Not just—”

“They’d be dead,” he bit out, begrudgingly admitted, crossing his arms over his chest. “I didn’t know it was more than a thought or random idea. That’s not cool, but—a lot went to shit because fairies were gone. He went through a lot.”

“Yeah, but hear me that it wasn’t to save the world. It was for his power, and he would control who knocked me up and then take my children away from me,” I told him, my voice cracking.

I felt a lot better when Jason looked horrified to hear that.

“I didn’t want Lucca to be Alpha,” he grumbled.

“Because you want to be.” I waited until he nodded. “Lucca’s doing it because he thinks he’ll be a good Alpha and is the best option for the sloth. That’s the right answer. You have the selfish one.”

“You don’t know what it’s like being secondborn,” he snapped.

“No, I don’t. But I know Connor did it with grace. He showed he had the right attitude and capacity to lead.” I moved closer and patted his shoulder. “Just because you won’t be Alpha here doesn’t mean you won’t ever be a leader or your own man, Jason. Look at Juan. He’s killing it. He took what Neldor and I couldn’t handle and made it explode.”

“Dad was talking about using our future nieces and nephews as leverage, Jas,” one of Lucca’s sisters said as they both came around the corner and into view. “The ones not of Lucca’s DNA because they won’t be bears and who cares about them? If that doesn’t disgust you then—”

“It does,” Jason whispered, glancing down at his feet. “I didn’t hear—he said something about an alliance mating and—”

The girls shared a look and my blood boiled.

“Has your father already been plotting for you both to mate someone?” I asked them.

Yes. I didn’t even need for them to say it. Their emotions practically knocked me over they were so strong.

I grabbed Jason’s arm and shook him. “They’rescared. Your little sisters are scared of what your dad is plotting. And an alliance mating? Who the fuck is your dad to decide that formy children?Even think he gets a fucking vote or input in that?”

“He doesn’t,” Jason said firmly. “But that’snormalfor families to—”

“No, it’snot, Jason,” I said firmly, my voice cracking again. “Hear me that your dad is going so far over the line—King Xavier would have killed your dad if I hadn’t kept a barrier over him. That’s where we’re at. The dragon wanted his head because of whatever your father said about Hudson’s biological children.”

“You don’t know what it was?” one of the sisters asked.

I let go of Jason and stepped away. “No, I wouldn’t—I’m not in the headspace. I could kill your father with a thought. I’m that powerful and I don’t…” I blew out a shaky breath. “I don’t trust myself right now. Not when I just had to execute my fucking psycho uncle today.”

Yeah, all three of them nodded.