He told everyone about what we discussed and how he even went with others to talk to the Von Thanns and laid it out for them. But then he told the truth about what happened after andhow he privately promised that Ronald Von Thann was voted off the island as much as Mary was to him.
“Tams?” Lucca whispered. He sighed when I didn’t answer. “I’m not mad. I just want to hear it from you.”
“The idea he will ever be around my children makes me shiver,” I finally admitted. “I won’t ever let him around them without me being there. No weekends visiting the grandparents—none of it. I can’t. I just—I’m not able to ever allow that.”
He stood and came over to me, pulling out my chair and cupping my cheek. “Talk to me, cream puff. I thought we were—”
“There are some things that just can’t be moved on from, Lucca,” I rasped. “I’m careful with people’s thoughts and do my best to not hold them against them. I am. Ireallyam.”
“I know,” he agreed.
I jumped to my feet. “He’s not even fucking sorry. He’s glad things worked out. He’s sorry he acted the way he did because of theturmoilit brought to his life. He’s not sorry how he treated me. He doesn’t think it waswrong. It grates on me every fucking day that he has never been punished for wanting tobreed me.
“Pushing that in the background. It wasn’t just one statement, Lucca. Or even a few behind closed doors. Oh no, he was lining up allies who would be on his side when it came out that I was a fairy. He was perfecting his idea of a lottery system he would be in control of. Picking who he thought would be best to impregnate me and thentake my children.”
“In what world could you ever think she would allow that man near her children especially when he won’t respect the children from her other matings when he will only recognize yours as the real one?” Stefanie interjected.
I shot her maybe the most grateful look I ever had. She perfectly put into words what I was feeling.
“Why didn’t you tell me this?” Lucca whispered, reaching for me.
I dodged so the chair was between us. “Because you love the asshole and I—we…” I shook my head. “Hey, Lucca, wanna get back together but PS, I want your dad dead or locked away for years at least until he finally gets it through his head how wrong he was, and I worry every fucking day he’s going to ruin our lives and hurt one of my children and then I have to kill him?”
Yeah, that sounded like an awesome thing to say.
“For the record, all of Faerie is upset he hasn’t been punished,” Taeral interjected. “And it’s clear that you are the one our citizens hope the princess does not end up with. Over a vampire which I never thought would happen, but over half have accepted Darby because they’ve seen his love for Tamsin. Most see you picking your family over her.”
“We’re greatly concerned about that sentiment and then you announcing you still want to be Alpha,” Stefanie added. “Now your father is picking up where everything left off to train you under his wing as if nothing happened. Sending you schedules and trying to include you in his meetings. If there was ever anyone we hope you don’t become a leader like—it’s him.”
Damn. Like…Dayumn.
Which was why it was a good idea to bring in others.
“I didn’t know that,” I admitted.
“You tend to put your blinders on about public opinion,” Stefanie chuckled.
“Yeah, well, fairies are a bit too harshly critical and fickle, so it changes faster than I can keep up with,” I grumbled.
“Back to the facts,” Julian interjected, clearing his throat. “We all agreed the Vogels would have grandparent rights and whatever over any children we all had. We all wanted my mother cut off and handled. And we said very, very limited anything with Lucca’s parents and never alone. Lucca agreed as well.”
“And if I wasn’t with my mate?” Mrs. Von Thann asked quietly, flinching when none of us immediately replied. “I see.”
“There are a lot of questionable things Lucca’s dad did before Tamsin even and his controlling, manipulative nature that you allowed that I’ve witnessed over the years that I would have an issue allowing our children alone with you,” Hudson said, and I was so impressed that he could. “For now at least, and we’re not having them anytime soon.”
“Tamsin?” Mrs. Von Thann whispered.
I opened my mouth but then closed it before plopping back in my seat. “I don’t think it’s that simple of if I trust you.” I glanced at Iolas. “Would Mom have left me alone with—”
“Not a fucking chance in either world,” Iolas said firmly. “Excuse the pun, but if you think a mama bear is protective of their children, that’s mild compared to a royal fairy.”
“Agreed,” Neldor chuckled. “And I was just a useless boy.” He nodded, understanding where my head was. “Taeral was the only person besides my mother or father who was allowed ‘alone’ with me, and that meant guards always at the castle around us. If we left the castle, we had at least two squads. You cannot fight a fairy who might try to abduct our child.”
“That makes more sense, yes, of course,” Mrs. Von Thann accepted. “But if I wanted to take them shopping or to lunch with guards? Is that off the table because of what my mate—and I by not stopping it—has done?”
“No, but I think you need some counseling to understand how controlling he’s been,” I said gently. “You are a strong, wonderful woman who used your power to help women and stand up when you could.” I gestured to where Ronald was and the fact he snuck into the meeting. “But I think you need to understand you were abused more than you realize.”
“I have concerns because I don’t know you well at all,” Julian interjected. “I think that’s my main issue. And while Lucca has become a much better man, both of your sons are not… Yourdaughters seem lovely and have their heads on straight. I’m assuming that’s more from you.”