I snorted. “You give yourselfwaytoo much importance.” I waited until he glanced at me, noting how bad he looked.
Being cut down a piece at a time would do that to someone.
“You weren’t even the prioritytoday, bro,” I taunted before snorting again. “Or uncle, right?” I rolled my eyes as I flipped my sword around. “I’m leader of a planet. It keeps me busy.”
I was about to deviate from the plan when he opened his mouth and dropped to his knees.
“Just let me see Faerie before I die. Show me this one kindness. I was born there but have never even seen it.”
Everyone froze, tension pouring off the four commanders and probably anyone else who could hear him. But my answer was simple and immediate.
His eyes flashed shock before he turned his lip up at me. “You’re as big of a monster and as cruel as she was.”
“You didn’t know her,” I sighed. “I don’t agree with what she did, but you’re also missing pieces of the truth. You just don’t care about the truth, and she could have done it to save your fucking life, idiot.”
“There’s no world where—” he growled.
“There was at least one ancient more powerful than her and she was trapped by that,” I snapped. I nodded when he couldn’t seem to get his mouth to work. “What could an ancient who could use magic on a queen have done withyou?To you? You might have lived in Faerie but been a madman’s puppet.”
“You can’t know that,” he whispered.
“I know it was what he wanted to do to me and thought he had everyrightto, the opportunity because I wasn’t born of two fairies. So yeah, it’s not a big leap I’m taking here.” I flipped my sword around again. “But you didn’t everthink. You just acted and decided for yourself.”
I let the tip drop to the floor and drag as I moved around him, noting the way he watched it.
“I would have pitied you once. I would have honestly felt bad for you. Truly. You probably prove the theory that villains aren’t born but made.”
“Then let me see Faerie.”
“Not a fucking chance in any world,” I chuckled darkly. “You don’t deserve to get what you want.”
“It was always going to be you or me,” he defended before I said what he thought was on my mind.
I moved back around to the front of him. “You think this is because you tried to kill me?” I snorted when it was clear in his eyes. “I admit I can absolutely be that petty but no, it’s not because of what you did to me.”
“You almost killed her friend and loyal advisor,” Onas said firmly, obviously knowing where my head was.
And he was right.
“You didn’t care who you hurt.” I squatted down in front of him, making it obvious that I didn’t fear him at all. “Ialwayscare who I hurt. I’m pissed these fools came with me and risked themselves.” I tilted my head. “You would never say the same. You could have killed a million fairies letting demons intoourworld.
“But what did that matter if you got what you wanted, right? And letting those corrupt ancients go? The ones who did so much to the Vale family and are the real reason you were probably banished from Faerie. She gave you a chance, one she couldn’t give you or protect you from. That’s the truth, Mario. She knew she couldn’t protect her son, and she set you free.
“And you didn’t take it. You killed her instead and wanted to burn our world because of it. I saved it. I woke everyone. You could have joined me. You could have protectedmewhen I was alone. I hadn’t done a fucking thing to you, but you were the monster. You tried to get me killed at Artemis, not even willing to do your own dirty work.
“Then the demons and ancients. But when all of that failed, you only really fought then because you knew your days were numbered. Trying to get me in the back when I was alone wasn’t going to work. So you’re pathetic, but I don’t pity you.” I stood and looked down at him. “The only mercy I’ll show you is letting you die as a fairy, but you will never see Faerie.”
It worked, and he let out his one wing with a shuddering breath.
And I cut off that wing instead of his head, shocking the others there. His scream echoed in my ears, but I ignored it and moved away so Stefanie and Colton got the best view from the camera I was wearing on my chest. I let them see the blood and wing lying there.
Then I moved around Mario sobbing on the floor.
“It’s safe for you to come now, Stef,” I said gently. “Come get your pound of flesh and take his head.”
“That wasn’t the plan, Your Highness,” Shael sighed.