Page 75 of Vibing Unity

“I’m sorry we’re kicking you out of your own facility,” I told the witches and warlocks. “But we can’t risk doing more damage moving her so you’re not inconvenienced for a bit. So for the moment, this is being taken over in the name of Faerie’s security and our future.”

“Almost everyone is evacuated besides the children,” Ara assured me. “And all security and recording devices have been disabled. We will use magic just in case any have been missed.”

“Well done. Thank you.” I glanced at everyone. “I plan to let you right back in and with good news if not the best news. Until then, I appreciate your patience and understanding. Now, we’re wasting time, so yell at me later—or be smarter and just stop.”

I was glad when several people on my side snorted.

We headed inside, and I saw Guardians doing a complete sweep of the facility. It was basically a hospital for witches and warlocks who didn’t have the knowledge or power to heal themselves and open to all of their species. It was actually something I supported, and we were planning on having a Guardian stationed there to help or alert us if issues arose.

But that was tomorrow. Today, we had a little girl to save.

“They say you’re going to do something horrible to my sister if you won’t let people watch,” that girl of about fourteen I’d met before called from down the hallway.

I turned to look at her. “And what do you think?”

She studied me. “That you’re protecting someone. You don’t care much if you get hurt, but you give everything to protect others.”

“She’s smarter than most adult supes,” Onas praised quietly.

I nodded, keeping her gaze. “I can’t do it alone, and a price has to be paid for magic. People ignore that part and demand what they want. Wouldn’t you do the same?”

“Yes.” She moved closer. “You can save her arm and leg? Let her be a normal kid again? You’re sure?”

“No, but the gods are, and so far what they’ve shown me has come true, so it’s hard to doubt then,” I answered honestly.

She frowned but then anger filled her eyes. “Why did they answer you? Why did they agree to help you and not the rest of us?”

“Because she doesn’t ask for herself but to help others like your sister,” Anya said easily. “If she prayed to save her mother or father, they wouldn’t grant that wish either. She prayed asking how to save your sister.”

She met the councilwoman’s gaze and was unflinching. “I asked for the same.”

“It’s bigger than your sister,” I cut in. “I asked for them.” I swallowed a snort. “Plus, apparently, I really am the grandchild of one. I still can’t seem to wrap my mind around that.” I sighed when that didn’t seem to be enough for her. “I don’t know your mind could handle a vision from them. Plus, you don’t have the magic to do this. So the answer wouldn’t—”

“They wouldn’t believe me,” she grumbled. “Or would try to use me because I got a vision. Abuse what I saw or twist it around. I also don’t have the power to protect myself the way you do, and I don’t mean your magic.”

“Seriously, you arewaysmarter than most supe adults,” Onas muttered.

I snickered. “Keep your eye on this one, Commander. We’ll want to recruit her for one project or another. I feel it.” I turned to leave, but her next words froze me in my steps.

“Will it hurt?” she asked quietly.

“No, I promise. She’ll be unconscious the whole time.”

“I meant you. Will it hurt you?”

I swallowed loudly and glanced at her. “Not me, but someone has to pay the price of fixing what can’t be fixed. Someone has to take on that price so she doesn’t.”

“I’m sorry for that and grateful,” she rasped, hurrying to wipe her eyes. “I’ll repay that someday. I swear it.”

I nodded and left with a smile. Good girl. Seriously, good on her for being so brave and noble in a world where too many were selfish and entitled.

We went over the plan one more time before people got into place. The commanders were going to put a barrier up around the whole building so no one could tell what was going on inside. Nor feel the magic… Or who it was coming from.

“Walk me through this again,” I interrupted when Neldor was going to start.

He gave me a soft look and rubbed my arm. “You’re going to use the rune to cover your ears basically. I’m going to put the new rune on her that will keep her unconscious and transfer her pain to me. Then you’re going to pull off another miracle like you always do, baby doll. Just her arm. We heal her arm to make sure this works.”

Because if it didn’t work, making a mistake with her arm would have less effect on her life than a leg. Horrible to consider and balance but… True.